Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

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Freddie was supposed to leave that day, but after his mothers accident, he delayed it by a few days – dorm check-in wasn't for a bit away. He could easily skip the few libraries he wanted to visit before class began and just visit at a later date. His mother and Sam seemed a lot more important than some old books right now.

Him and Sam's relationship was weird. They weren't back together by a long shot, but they were polite when they passed each other in the hallway. That day, though, they decided to have that iced tea in Carly's, well, Sam's apartment. They sat on the sofa of the apartment and tried to avoid the looming topic of their next steps. Sam wasn't planning on staying for long, just until she'd found somewhere and a way to make some money.

"I heard T-Bos selling up," Freddie told her. "You can ask him about a job in his new place. I heard it's a ribs place."

"Ribs?" Sams eyes sparkled.

Freddie chuckled. He was feeling a bit better about the situation, feeling that maybe it worked out this way for the best. "Yes, Sam. Ribs. Speaking of, have you eaten? Let me treat you to a takeaway."

"Oh, no, we're not dating anymore; I can't expect that of you."

"You're not expecting. I'm offering," Freddie insisted. "And that's final." Having Sam as his girlfriend meant having local takeaways in the city on speed dial. He tossed her the menu. "Whatever you'd like."

Their food took a while to arrive, and Sam was beginning to feel tired. The afternoon had soon turned into the evening. Ten minutes had turned into forty-five. Forty-five turned into an hour and a quarter. Sam was whining with hunger, annoyed with the wait, so Freddie called them back, cancelled the order and told them he wasn't going to be ordering from them again.

"They do the best ribs in the city though," Sam groaned.

"They'll be cold by the time they get here," he reasoned. "Hey, let me cook something."

Sam scoffed. "What? You cook?"

"Don't sound so surprised," Freddie said to her, rolling his eyes playfully. He made his way to the fridge, finding the few ingredients he needed to make something decent. With a few things in the cupboard, as Sam was using up the last things Spencer had bought, the options were very limited, but Freddie cooked up a few meatballs and spaghetti noodles. The sauce was easy to throw together in a pan. He chopped the last of the vegetables into it, stirring to make sure it didn't burn.

Sam tried to look over, but Freddie blocked the view with a grin. "Is it ready? We would've been better with waiting for the ribs!"

Freddie got out two plates. "Okay, okay, I'm done." He served the food, asking for Sam to get out two glasses as well and pour some juice for them. She gaped at the plate in front of her; she knew Freddie liked spaghetti because they used to make it all the time as a group for their iCarly spaghetti tacos segments, but she never knew he'd be able to accomplish this on his own. "Try it, try it," he grinned, holding up a fork with a few strands of pasta. Sam looked at him cautiously before allowing him to feed her with the fork. "Well, how is it?"

"I-It's gorgeous," she said, mouth full of spaghetti. Freddie grinned, scooping more onto her plate. "Can we eat now?"

"Yes, ba—Sam," Freddie stuttered, correcting himself. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, but Sam either didn't care or didn't notice. She just grabbed her plate, kissed his cheek, and went to the sofa to sit down. "Let's eat."

The pasta was delicious – there was no doubt about that. Freddie put the leftovers to the side in a plastic tub he found in the cupboard; he'd heat it up and drop it off with his mother. He was sat down with Sam, watching whatever movie was playing in the background. Though, they weren't truly watching it. Sam had her head on Freddie's chest, feeling the way his fingers traced and then ran through her hair. She couldn't help but smile, neither of them knowing how they'd even ended up like that.

"Do you think-No, it's stupid."

Sam looked up. "Do you think we're going to get back together? That's what you were going to ask, right?"

Freddie just nodded, eyes glued to the movie and trying to avoid the blonde sprawled across his lap.

"Maybe," Sam mumbled. I just-I don't want to rush it."

Again, another nod.

She got to her feet, rubbing her eyes. "I'm tired. Thanks for the food but I should be getting to sleep."

"I'll grab the leftovers," Freddie said, going for the kitchen. She watched him, her eyes running over every curve of his body. She watched as his hand closed the container properly and as he walked back over.

"Are you going to see your mother?"

"Yeah – I said I'd go back tonight and save her from the unsanitised hospital cutlery."

Sam chuckled. "Isn't she a nurse? Wouldn't she have already enforced a bleaching policy?"

"It's not her hospital," Freddie explained. "The medical center responded to the accident first."

"Oh, well, it's late, Freddie. You should get going if you want to make it before all the streetlights go out. Driving in the dark isn't fun."

Freddie made it to the door before he turned around and looked at her. He knew she'd said she was tired, but he was sure she'd be up for an adventure, especially late at night. "Hey, Sam? Do you want to come with? There's something I want to show you on the way."

Sam shrugged her shoulders, tying her shoelaces back up. "I mean...I don't love surprises, but I better be there to hold your hand," she teased, grabbing her keys, locking the door and following him out.

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