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Worried about bumping into Carly, the blonde quickly ran across the hall. She approached Freddie's apartment door. Too scared to knock, she slid her hairslide out and picked the lock. At a record time of eight seconds, Sam entered the apartment but no brown eyed dork was in sight.

She walked down the hall and stopped outside the bedroom door. It was dead silent from inside. Well, for about a minute. She heard a faint buzzing noise. Then, she realised it was a ringtone. A few voices could be heard from inside...

"Hello?" The masculine voice said.

"Is this Freddie Benson?"

"Yes?" He asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

"This is Seattle Medical Center..."

"Has something happened?"

"Your mother has just been checked in."

"What? Is she seriously hurt?"

"She was just involved in an accident, a car was speeding bu-"

"Do you want me to come?" He interupted, deeply concerned.

"It is best you don't, for now. At the moment, tests are being done and she is hopefully going into surgery later."

"Alright... I-I... I can't believe, I could lose another loved one..." He muttered, heavily breathing.

"Loved one? Is that a father or sibl-"

"My girlfriend..." He paused, "We had an arguement the other day."

"Aww... I'm sure it will all work out. For now, we will keep you updated about your mother..."

"Thanks. Bye..." He sighed, hanging up the phone.

What was that all about, Sam thought to herself. Girlfriend? Lose another loved one?

'Knock Knock Knock'

No reply.

'Knock Knock Knock'

Still no reply.

Samantha's fist raised and hit the door for a final knock. Before she had to knock, the door opened a few centimetres. She dodged the door open and walked in. Her head was telling her to leave but her heart was telling her just to tell Freddie how she felt. Neither of those thoughts could be acted on as she looked around the room. Sat on the gloomy bed was Freddie Benson, himself. She stepped a few paces and sat down next to the depressed dork...

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