Chapter 4 (Rewrite)

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When Freddie woke up, Sam was gone. He didn't know how she got in in the first place, but knowing her, he could take a very well-educated guess. Freddie wasn't sure whether he'd made it through the night without her beside him. Sleep wasn't coming easy the last few days. With only a day till he was leaving for college, his mother being hurt was not something he had prepared for. He stayed in bed till noon when he finally got a call from the friendly receptionist that his mother was out of surgery.

Stepping out the apartment door, still in the same sweats from yesterday as he was only getting into his car, he didn't expect to see his brunette friend in the hallway. Carly was smiling sadly at him, piling up her boxes outside the door, and she stepped towards Freddie. "I was going to knock and say goodbye."

Freddie nodded. "I'm sorry that I'm not quite in the mood right now – I don't want this to be your last memory of me aha."

"I understand," she smiled, hugging him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, him lightly hugging back in return. "Hey, I've got a few more boxes in the apartment; would you mind carrying them for me? You've been working out more than I have," she chuckled. Freddie smiled back for the first time in a few days and nodded his head, helping her with a box. He helped to lift a few to the van before Carly invited him in for some iced tea. "Also, I hope you dont think I'm being intrusive, but I wanted to say I hope you're okay."

Freddie frowned, not quite understanding what she was talking about.

"Spencer's listed as one of your mother's emergency contacts," Carly explained. "He was listed before you were sixteen."

Freddie cracked a small smile. Though, he didnt know that Sam would be pouring a glass of Carly's special iced tea when they entered the apartment. Upon seeing each other, they shied away. Carly knew Sam was still there, but she didn't think the two would mind. After all, they're best friends.

"Carls, we've gotta get going," Spencer said. Carly nodded, bowing her head. "Oh, hey, Freddie, Sam. You two are welcome to hang around for a bit, but we must get going soon to beat the traffic downstate."

Sam and Carly shared a final hug, promising they'd see each other soon. Freddie hugged the latter girl too, wishing her luck and saying he'd come and visit her. It was a bittersweet goodbye. It was the end of an era – it was going to be weird without her around. It would be weird without all of them around. Spencer gave the two a one-armed hug, holding his final box in his hand. Their furniture was still here, and Spencer decided that the sofa and chairs shouldn't come with them; his new apartment came fully furnished anyway. The thought of the three teenagers not hanging around with him anymore, helping with sculptures, making spaghetti tacos with him, and hogging his sofa, was saddening. He was going to miss his sister and her insane friends. Gibby texted the siblings that he was waiting outside for them. He had to rush off but didn't want to not say goodbye to one of his best friends.

"Bye, guys," Carly said, wiping a few tears from her eyes. She hugged the two tight, each of them spilling their own tears. When she left the apartment, she looked one final look back. It was going to be weird not returning to this apartment every day after school. Not seeing her friends. Not having Freddie live down the hallway. Not having Sam crash on her sofa.

"I'll text you!" Sam called after her.

Sam and Freddie waved the two siblings off, standing in the hallway. Though, when they were going to go their own separate ways, Spencer quickly came back and chucked Sam a set of keys. "Here you go, kiddo. It's the least we can do! Crash as long as you want."

Sam smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. "See you, Spence." He nodded to the two and left, grinning, glad he could help the blonde he loved like a sister one final time. He was sure, however, that he wouldn't see the end of Sam and Freddie. And he had no doubt that they'd bite each other's heads off.

Remembering her abandoned glass of iced tea, Sam let herself into the apartment. "You can come in if you want," she muttered to Freddie. "There's enough iced tea to last a year here." Freddie chuckled lightly. "O-Or you can go and see your mother. Wish her my best for me."

"Raincheck on the tea?" Freddie asked.

Sam nodded, convincing herself he was just being nice. "Sure."

Freddie didnt want to leave – of course he didn't want to. But he needed to see his mother. He needed to reassure her and himself that everything was going to get better. So, he walked right over to Sam, clutched her face between his hands, and kissed her forehead lightly. Surprised when he didn't push her away, he stepped away and smiled faintly. She closed her eyes.

"I'm not done with you by the way, Sam."

She looked at him.

"I love you, and I'm going to fight for you."

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