Chapter20 Jacob Evans driven to fatality before battling insanity.

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Sorry for changing the name again and again...

His Badass Juliet/ It's All About The Badass Tag/ The Bad Girl's Prince.


Ashley Howards is the stereotypical badass or so she portrays herself to be.

Everly Spencer is a good girl with a tomboy-ish dressing sense. She's Ashley's best friend and the only one to know all about her dark secrets. She's also developing a crush on someone; a guy she refuses to confess to.

Nick, Peter and Jasmine are her friends but they're hostile to Ashley like the majority of Prestige High population. In the previous chapter Nick wanted to talk about something important with Jacob but his chance slips away.

Kyler Johnson is a playboy, Ashley's ex, her sworn enemy and an integral part of her tragic past.

Jacob Evans is the new guy in school; he's Kyler Johnson's best friend and saved Ashley from a car accident earning a fractured arm.

Hayden Simmons has the gangster-like dangerous reputation. His lust for Ashley is scary but she holds her ground everytime and turns him down. He's the only person she's afraid of.

Flavia Weddle is a cliché nosy wannabe who always happens to lose against Ash and Evie. Her hatred comes off of her in the form of bullying and pranks.


As Ashley and Jacob are bound to spend more time together, they get to know each other. She's a mess of emotions as he tries to figure her out.

Chapter20 Jacob Evans driven to fatality before battling insanity at the hands of the bad girl.

____Ashley's POV____

"Ashley Howards and Jacob Evans!" Our teacher called out. I looked to my right as Jacob stumbled across the platform upto the teacher's desk. He began setting up the laptop and ran his gaze through the bunch of papers in his folder.

I had become accustomed to hearing my name along with Jacob's. It was always like that; our names couldn't leave each other's hold, seeming to have been chained to the other. But the surprising thing was, my mind had adapted itself to Jacob's presence since I was spending a minimum of of eight to ten hours with him on a daily basis.

And should I be worried about it?

"Ahem..." Jacob Evans cleared his throat awkwardly as he stood in front of our class, ready to give a presentation on our History project. Only one student of the duo had to present the assignment while the other had to prepare a mere report. So it was obvious that I nearly threatened him to let me do the easier job.

That was the report.

I supressed a grin as he looked at his shoes, wondering from where to start his speech. As I expected, Jacob was bad at public speaking; well not that bad that he'd start hyperventilating and stammering, but yeah, a bundle of nerves that boy was in front of the class.

"C'mon Jacob!" I cupped my mouth as I cheered. The teacher gave me a disapproving look while some snickered. But Jacob's reaction was the one which took the cake.

He turned ten frickin' shades of red, managing to shoot me a hot glare.

My shoulders shook up and down as I tried my best not to blurt out a laugh. Jacob took deep breaths and began speaking. "In the early 18th century...." Yada yada yada.

Okay, it may seem like I was bullying Jacob into doing all the projects we were supposed to do together.

But trust me, I'm innocent in this.

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