Chapter13 Heaven, Hell Or Earth, Pranksters Like Me Can Never Go Jobless.

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Chapter13 Heaven, Hell Or Earth, Pranksters Like Me Can Never Go Jobless.

____Jacob's POV____

School's over and I'm on my way to Nathan's with Ky. We had a pretty good time yesterday, played a few video games, ordered pizza and roamed around the city, talking about the things we did when we were younger.

He was pissed at Kyler because, he ditched him at some of their meetings. Well, most of them. As per Ky, the last time they met was at a club, I wonder how Ky got in. Yesterday when me and Ashley were at the mall, called me up and asked whether I wanted to hangout with him and Nate, but apparently they didn't meet and in short, Kyler ditched again. Nothing new.

I'm still annoyed. Ky could've told me before (about the Ashley-thing) but he decides to call me for the second time yesterday-when I was in the car with her-and spill it out. But whats done is done, atleast I know now, I won't go near her (as a friend I mean). She's bad news.

"Turn up the volume Jay!" Ky yelled in my ears. I increased the volume of the radio when 'I Know You Want Me' started booming from the system of his car. He started drumming on the steering wheel and then suddenly left it, leaving the car without a driver. Well, sort of.

"Don't be crazy. Drive like a NORMAL person or else I'm outta here."

"Don't act like my grandmom okay?" he made a yucky face and put his hands back on the steering.

I just rolled my eyes. "Hey, you know what bro? I've got a plan." he said, smirking at..the road. He was driving duh.

"Do you need an invitation? Shoot." I said, "Tomorrow, we'll get back at the b*tch."

"Seriously Ky, thats the level of you're maturity. What are you? Ten? You do something then she'll get back and then you want another payback?"

"Look, I have a reputation in Prestige. She almost ruined it when we broke up. Now, I'm not gonna let that happen again. She needs to know what she's got ahead of her, she already crossed the line yesterday."

Kyler's words were firm and left no room, for argument. Even if I tried, it was usless. He wanted to keep his badass attitude, then I should let him be.

He mention his 'Break up' with Ashley, he so didn't want to say the word 'dump'. Its against his ego. I totally understand. But this whole 'Payback' thing is stupid. I have other better stuff to do in life rather than keep playing around.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Kyler parked the car outside Nathan's appartment and we got off. "I'll tell you whats got to be done when we get back. Nathan doesn't know anything about Ashley. We weren't in touch then...."

"Ya, ya. I get it." I grumbled and walked towards the entrance.

Tell me again why am I dragged into this Ashley-business??

____Ashley's POV____ (Next day)

"C'mon you lazy potato! Get up!!" a voice yelled at me. I peeled my left eye open, peeped out from my very comfortable covers and squinted my eyes. "Evieee.....some sleep I no school going.." I said and buried myself, deep into the pillow. I heard her huff and then all the covers were pulled off of me, the cool morning breeze hitting my bare skin (pajama shorts and tank top obviously don't cover you up that well), sending chills everywhere.

"I'll be down in the kitchen. I give you fifteen minutes to get ready Ash." and then she left the room. I nodded. As soon as my door slammed shut, and I found the coast clear, I collapsed back on the bed, which creaked as I did so.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep....

Splash! Drip. Drip...

"Everly! I'm up! I'm up okay!" I whined just as I jug full of cold water was downed on my head. I sat up on my bed as my friend just glared at me. "Fifteen minutes. And I want you down. I'm waiting in the kitchen." she repeated again. I threw a pillow at her which she very amazingly dodged and left the room, once more. I playfully glared at the shut door "Mad woman." Rolling over my bed, I got off, landing on the floor, on my two feet. Thankfully.

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