Chapter Twelve: He's Real

Start from the beginning

"Why...did your dad mention him to you?" she says as she lets her fork fall onto her plate. Her appetite gone by the name of someone she has tried to bury in the past, unlike her son.

"Let' was school?" his grandpa changes the subject to ease his wife's annoyance.

"No, I think it's time we talked about Jayden," she says with a smile Gavin knows is fake. "You should know about your brother."

"Okay." he nods a little uneasy of her intentions by the sound of her voice.

"For one he's your half-brother. You don't share the same father and you don't have to worry about turning out just like him. Jayden is a bad child. He was destined to be with what happened in his childhood that-"

"I don't think he needs to hear this." his grandpa interrupts her.

"He does if Jonhathan is going to have him believe Jayden is an innocent child. He's far from it Gavin and you don't want to be just like him, do you?"

"No." Gavin shakes his head.

"Good because I know in my heart you're nothing like him. You can't be when what's wrong with him came from his father and you sweetie have nothing to worry about."


I'm reassured I'm not imagining things but it doesn't change the fear building up inside me. Wondering what does this mean and why is it happening to me. Why am I being followed when my dad for years has been trying to prove Jayden is innocent?

"I need to talk to you," I say as soon as my dad opens the door. "Please?"

He starts to say no but the desperation in my voice has him change his mind, "Come in." He opens the door for me to enter and I walk in not taking the chance he will change his mind.

I haven't talked to him since I told him about my first visit with Jayden and I blew up telling him everything hateful I could think of. I was done holding back what I thought he deserved to hear but I regret it now. I regret everything when I'm starting to believe everything he has ever said about Jayden over the years. It's impossible not to believe it now when I think I'm being followed by the same person.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

What's wrong? What's wrong is everything. Everything is falling apart around me and I don't know what to do. "I think someone is following me."

"What are you talking about?" he's confused already. 

"I'm being followed and I think it's the same person who-"

"Is this your way of being funny Gavin?" he says. "I know you don't believe your brother is innocent. You believe what your grandma told you about what happened. She told you he's sick and that's why he belongs there."

"No, I-"

"It doesn't matter Gavin."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? There's someone following me and-"

"You need to stop." He says picking up the newspaper on the counter in the kitchen. "I don't know why you're bringing this up."

"You've always talked about Jayden. You always said he was innocent."

"He is but you're turning this into something to joke about and enough is enough Gavin.


"I don't want to hear it Gavin. I don't want to know what you talked to Jayden about. I don't need to know just as much as I'm not going to sit and listen to this. Do you honestly think I'm naïve enough to not see what you're doing?"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"I admit it I shouldn't have gotten mad last time but I was upset. I couldn't believe he would see you and then you would show up to tell me what I should and shouldn't believe."

"I'm sorry." I apologize. "I don't know what I was thinking. I thought you would finally give me attention more than Jayden. I wanted for once for you to remember I exist."

"I know I sometimes lose track of time in other things but I don't love you any less than Jayden."

"Then believe me now when I tell you I'm being followed. I know I am because he's real, the guy was there today watching me."

"Gavin, that's not possible."

"How is it not possible?"

"The only person close to Jayden, I've always felt was responsible, is dead. He's not alive anymore and the truth is gone with him."

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