"Tch! Who said you could give me orders, Kakarot?" Vegeta snapped.

"So is he a carrot?" I asked.




"Pinich, how did you find this person?" Vegeta asked.

"Long story," Pinich said as he got ready to fight.

"Mace, be a dear, and fight with us," I said, glancing the girl behind us.

"If that is what you wish, of course," The half bred said. "Your family would be mad if I let you get hurt and not did something about it."

"Good luck, Pinich," I smiled as we all got ready to fight.

"Same for you, Jeica," Pinich said back to me.

I got the first attack and hit Cell One, Two, and Four with Zamasu's help, and Zamasu hit Cell One, Three, and Five with Krigohan's and Chiaohan's help. Krigohan then used Kamehame on Man One, Two, and Three, and Chiaohan used a normal ki blast on the same.

Cell One used Death Ball on me, another used Kamehemeha, another used Super Kamehameha. Cooler got the next turn and used a ki blast on Cell three, ring him out. Another Cell then used Arts Rush EX on me.

Zamusa used Energy Blade on Cell three, with a clean hit, knocking him out. Chiaohan used Tri Beam on Cell five. I the used a Ki blast on Cell one, ringing him out. Cell then used a melee attack on me.

Krigohan used Kamehameha on Cell one and two. Zamasu used Energy Blade on Cell One. Cell Four used Kamehameha on Zamasu. Cooler used Earth Breaker on Cell One and four. On my turn, I hit all of them with my Shooting Rain, knocking all out, winning the battle.

"Grrragh!!! Dang you, Goku! Dang you!" Cell yelled before disappearing.

"Couldn't take the heat, huh? Wonder whose ki he locked onto to get awat?" Goku said. "Whew! Well, great job, Jeica!"

"It was nothing," I smiled.

"We've got some things to do now, so we'll get moving. Stick to your training, Jeica, and get really strong," Goku said to me.

"Pinich! Your training's over." Vegeta said. "Scale the wall to become a Super Saiyan on your own!"

"Yes, Master!" Pinich said.

"Okay, Vegeta. let's get going." Goku said with a sigh. "I sure hope he's still asleep. If he's awake, you're gonna apologize with me, okay?"

"Get real!" Vegeta snapped. "This was your idea! I only came along because you said there's be some interesting people here!"

We listened to them argue even more as they flew away. Pinich and I stood by each other. Pinich's tail hit my back before wrapping his tail around my wrist, his way to hold my hand.

"So... he's gone... But we've still got a lot to learn, haven't we, Jeica? Well, at least I have," Pinich said.

I gave a small laugh. "My goal is to become stronger than Mom as she is the strongest person I know. I could still learn more, Pin."

"I have more to learn anyway! Well, Goku was really strong. I mean, not as strong as Master Vegeta or you at full power, but still awesome!" Pinich said.

"Hm? Vegeta seems stronger," I agreed. "Than Goku, anyway."

"Vegeta is very intense about training," Krigohan said in response.

"Huh... So even though he's that strong, he still trains all the time!" Pinich said.

"I still train, though I am strong," I said.

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