Chapter 11

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One ~

Empress Froze: You seem happy, younger me.

Froze: Oh, I have a feeling I'm going to meet someone I'm close to soon.

Empress Froze: Hm? Well, I would like to meet them, if that's okay.

Froze: Of course it is!

Two ~

Blue Trunks: Is something wrong, Froze?

Empress Froze: It's nothing, Love. We just haven't had time to see each other in a while.

Blue Trunks: Huh? I guess we haven't. Is there something you want to do?

Empress Froze: I just want to talk for a while. Is that okay, My Love?

Blue Trunks: Of course, Hun.

Three ~

Jeica: ...?

Kiwi: ...

Jeica: Kiwi, right?

Kiwi: And you're Jeica! Are you strong? Like my mom and dad?

Jeica: I am.

Kiwi: Will you train me?

Jeica: Hm? Why, of course.

--Empress Froze's Answers--


--Main Story--

Once my arm was healed, the team and I, with Froze for some reason, left, and found a place with five time rifts. We opened them all up before checking it out. A woman with blue skin and white hair and a man with matching skin and hair, as well six teenagers and one infant, came out.

"Hee hee.. So, you were--" I cut the woman off.


"Huh? Jeica? God, you've grown," the woman looked at me.

"Mira!" Froze threw herself around the man.

"F-Froze?" The man, Mira, looked at the young Ice Jin.

"Ma?" One teenager looked at the green Ice Jin. Froze held one arm up, and the teenager hugging her mother.

The infant giggled and reached up. Froze looked at the baby and picked him up. "Hello, little Lemon."

The five other teens looked at us. "That's our big sister, Mommy?" one with blue skin and red hair asked Mama.

"Oh, she is," Mama said to the young girl.

Mama's name is Towa. She has long white hair with blue skin, a little lighter than mine. She wore a red, skin tight body suit that showed the bottom of her breasts.

My older brother, Mira, had short, spiky white hair and blue skin that was closer to my color. He wears a white armor piece with cape-like pants.

One teen, who I learned was named Ribbon, was my niece, and Froze's and Mira's daughter. She had Mira's skin color and ears with Froze's body and brown hair. She wore a green, turtleneck dress with lighter green knee high socks that shows her Ice Jin feet.

The infant was my nephew, Lemon, youngest child of Froze and Mira. He had some white fuzz on top of his head and green skin. He was wrapped up in a black blanket with a small hole so that his Ice Jin tail could come out.

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