a warning to berk

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                             Berk p.o.v
A torn apart ship docked at berk and a severly injered man got off the ship and ran towards the great hall to try amd find the chief of berk. The chief was chatting with some of the other villagers when a bloody broken man kicked open thw doors to the great hall and screamed the chiefs name "STOICK!!" when the bloody man got to stoick he told him what happened and said to never head to that island, Fear was present in his voice. If this had been a ordinary villager than this wouldn't of been as scary but the fact that it was coming from a man who faced blood thirsty dragons for a sport and enjoyed it, was mind shattering but the chief had stopped listening when the beserker mentioned his daughter "prep the ships, we sail to dragon island right away, also grab one of the devil's from inside the arena and use them as a gateway to the island" stoick said as he walked off to find a big hammer.

This is just to clarify how stoick knew where to find hiccup

a present or a curseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें