a turn of unfortunate events

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*says, super fast* I'm better now, so let's get to the story
"...Sorry" he said. I sat there with my jaw on the ground and shadow looking at the ground. I just turned around and went to the village and acted like nothing happened. When I got there I saw the elite squad of  guards walking towards me "um, y-you need something?" i asked as the approached me and picked me up and took me towards the arena. When we got there they tossed me in the arena and have me a rack of weapons "you are to kill the nightmare to prove to the village you are one of is" I looked up at him and growled "dont ever touch me, ever" I said, in a threading voice. One of them scoffed and went to poke my chest, but I grabbed a new dagger and went to stab him but another guard grabbed my hand, with the dagger in it, and stared at me "don't do that again" he said but I was too bust y trying to escape his grasp to listen. It got to the point to where I drop kicked his chest just to get him off. "You son of a-" but before he could finish stoicks voice boomed out "ENOUGH" I just stopped and stared at them as the nodded and back off. When I turned around, and stoick finished his stupid speech, the doors opened. A monstrous nightmare busted through the doors already on fire freaking out and trying to get out but couldn't. I sat there waiting until he stopped, finally he did and and dropped down and stared at me "you have the bite of the fury" he said and I just stared at him "yeah?" I looked up and saw my dad starting to stand up "there is going to be a loud noise, just don't freak out" I said and he slowly nodded as stoick yells something and hits the cage but what happens is super surprising "AGGGHHHH" I tell out in pain. I scream some more as more loud sounds happen and a lot of people start to yell "SHUT UP!!" I said as i held my head and went one knee "I said" I got up to my feet and put my hands to my chest "SHUT. UP" I thew out my hands and a wave of blue fire burst out and every one jumps back "AGGHH!! ITS HAPPENING" I said as I held my stomach and yelled out again "SHADOW!!" I yelled as I heard a loud ear piecing screech and a explosion.

a present or a curseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora