A 'Touchy' Subject

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I was still playing with shadow as the sun went down "I got to go home" I said as looked up at the position of the sun. "Oh okay, just be careful" shadow said to me as I sat up "yeah, and we need to go home to or mom is going to kill us" the father said as I began to walk away "not that she already will" I heard him mumble under his breath. As I neared the village I still had a smile on my face but it soon vanished after I hear snoutlout talking about me behind my back again. "Is she actually gone?" I heard him ask "good, that runt was never anygood to this village" I heard him finish as I walked by. "Oh look who decided to come back to the village" I continued to walk but he was persistent "just leave me alone snotlout" I said as I went to walk into my house but I felt someone tug on my hair as I was turned around and had to come face to face with him "don't you dare walk away from me" he said trying to be threating. I saw astro walk by "oh just going to ignore a innocent woman getting bullied by a idiot again" I said sarcastically as a step stopped and looked at me "oh you actua-" I was cut off from a giant amount of pain in my jaw. I fell to the floor holding my jaw as I saw blood coming out of my mouth "thats what you get for calling me an idiot" I heard snotlout say as a step walked up to him "okay that was unnecessary snolout, you dare hit a girl again and I wi-" astro was cut off by me getting up and yelling at snotlout as I charged him with my dagger "YOU DARE HIT ME YOU UGLY MOTHER FU-" I stopped as I felt someone grab my arm as I tried to slice at snotlout. I turned and saw astro holding my arm and trying to give me a look that most girrls fall for...most. I then kicked him in the shin knocking him to the floor and then looked at snotlout and saw him on his back with a terrified look in his eyes "don't you dare touch me again" I said as I went to walk away but one of the stupid twins decided to be a smart ass and poke my arm. So I grabbed their hand and stabbed it into a wall with one of their daggers in their pocket and walked into my house and went to asleep. The next day I was walking toward the forest when I saw gobber aproaching me "come on lass, it's time for dragon trainin" I then looked at him confused "what? I-I can't do that, I can't even pick up a sword" I said as I went to continue walking but gobber grabbed my shoulder and turned me around "You are coming-" he said as I cut him off "gobber if you want whats best for both of us, you will never touch me again...understand" I said as I went to walk towards the arena "ill take my chances" he said sarcastically. When we arrived I heard the teens talking about pain and scars "as long as you get a scar out of it" I heard one of them say "scars are not 'cool', they show signs of weakness, that an enemy was able to land a hit on you, now if a person that had went to multiple wars and come out unscathed is considered a coward, but a man that dies in battle is called a warrior" I said as I walked past them and lined up in front of the gates "uh who let her in?" I heard another teen say. After gobber finished up the introduction and let out the gronkel, he started to tell us about battling dragons "quick, whats the first thing you need when fighting a dragon" I heard him say as people guessed the answer but I just stood their staring at the gronkel flying aroumd and eating some rocks "plus five speed" I heard fishlegs guess "a shield" astro said as he dived "shield go" gobber said as I stood their staring at the gronkel "if you have a choice over a weapon or shield you take the shield" gobber said as he tossed me a shield and I grabbed it and put it on. Astro rolled next to me and I asked "is it just you and me" but Astro got ready to roll again as the gronkel approached "nope, just you" he said as he rolled away and the gronkel fired, I put up my shield so I didnt get hit and the shield shattered on impact, I started to run by the wall around the gronkel but the gronkel tackled me and pinned me against the wall with a paw on my gut. "What did I say ABOUT TOUCHING ME!!" I yelled as the gronkel got ready to shoot a fire ball but I kicked its jaw, causing its head to point up upwards,and then kicked it in the chest and grabbed another shield and hit it over the gronkles head, breaking the shield, then I kicked it again into the cage and closed it. As the cage door closed I looked the gronkel in the eye and said "don't touch me ever again" and walked away.

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