(insert good chapter title here)

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Once I got to the cove I was shadow by himself so I went over to him and put my hand on his wing "where's your dad?" I asked worried 'how long was he out here by himself ' shadow jumped away and growled at me "its your fault, if you hadn't of stayed so long maybe the qeen would of acutaly spared him and my mother" I was taken back by his words "what do you mean?" I asked as I took a couple steps back "theyre dead and it's all your fault!" He said as he shot a plasma ball at me but as it made contact it didn't hurt but it threw me back into the rock wall with a sickeningly loud crack and then darkness took over my world. When I woke up I saw it was really dark and I had blood seaping out of my head and down my hair "where am i?" I asked my self looking around and then got up and made my way out of this cove "what happened?" I asked myself again and kept walkong in a random direction and ended up on walking right into a village of people "e-exuse me, where am I" I askes a woman way taller than me "go see stoick he is at the great hall lookong for you, hiccup" I nod confused but decided to head towards this 'great hall' and see this stoick 'maybe he knows where I am and what happened' I continued to walk there until I got to the doors. I opened them and held my bruised stomach while I looked around. Everyone stopped and stared at me, I looked around and saw a big man sitting in a chair in the middle of all this 'that must be stoick' I walked over to him but stopped when we made eye contact and he rose and walked, radiating anger, towards me. When he got in front of me he shouted at me "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HICCUP, IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE YOU DISAPPEARED" I shriveled down under his gaze and grabbed my knees and started to cry "w-what's wrong lass, why you crying" I heard a different more friendly voice say "I-I don't know who hiccup is and Why he is so mad at me" I said trying not to be too loud so everyone heard me crying "what do you mean lass, you hiccup" he said as he bent down to my level "do you not remember" he said as he looked up at the big man than me "no" I said finally before I started to get light headed and pass out

Sorry for the short chapter I just got back from camping and it's 23:15 (11:15) for me right now the next one will either be tomorrow or the next day and at least 1,000 words. I promise

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