Turn Up the Charm

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Hey my loves! I was really overwhelmed with the positive feedback so far. It really makes me happy since I haven't been on Wattpad in forever. I owe you an explanation. I actually just moved schools, which was hectic to say the least and I lost my motivation. BUT I'm back now so follow me and this story for more. Due to this I've lost some followers :(

So if you could please vote, comment and share this I would love you for like forever :)

Please spread the word and leave any type of feedback! Thank you all so much!! xxx

P.S. I added to my other Sydrian story Bound Together, so go check that out if you haven't already! Enough of me, here you go! (Sorry it's a bit on the short side) :D

I was sifting through the clothing racks in the costume store where I had looked last year for my outfit. This year their range seemed if possible even smaller as I sought for the perfect costume for Adrian.

Superheroes. No. Slender suits. No. It seemed like nothing was similar to what I had in eye.

I began raking through the next rack, close to giving up. My shoulders hunched and I desperately picked at each costume, examining them for how Adrian would look in them.

The picturesque view of Adrian motivated me to push forward as my mind pondered what type of 'sexy cat costume' Adrian was going to select for me. Even just the thought of it made me nervous.

As I began to helplessly walk away, my eyes caught hold of the costume on a mannequin in the corner of the store, covertly concealed behind the hair wig stand. I scrutinized it from top to bottom and knew it was the one. I suppressed a small laugh. I couldn't wait to see Adrian in it.


I was on my way to join the others for breakfast, after being awaken by a very excited Jill. I got dressed and wore a slightly more daring outfit, well to me it was. I wore a turquoise shirt with my khakis. I thought Adrian would like it since it matched my bra as I glanced myself over in the bathroom mirror. I met Angeline on the way down and we headed for the main hall together.

Ms. Weathers squeaky voice trailed down the hallway 'Sydney!'. I turned back and walked towards the reception desk.

'Yes, Ms. Weathers' I asked questioningly.

'A parcel came in for you today, dear' she said.

'Oh, okay. Thank you.' I replied.

I didn't know I was receiving anything today. I wonder who it's from. Ms. Weathers laid out a huge rectangular white box in front of me, fitted with a gold bow and a note on the front.

I opened the note with my free hand and it read:

'Looking forward to tonight. -Jet'

I stifled a laugh and choked on a scoff at the use of his fake name but I couldn't help the blush that was overshadowing my face.

Angeline, as curious as over, leaned over and read the note.

'Oooh! Who's Jet? Looks like Sydney's got a secret admirer' she giggled and teased shamelessly.

'Oh just a friend.'

'Like I'm going to believe that. Look at your face, I've never see you blush so hard.'

I glared at her, but couldn't help but break a small smile.

'Go on. Open it. What are you waiting for, Christmas?'

'Angeline if I remember correctly this is addressed to me. I'm going to open it when I'm alone thanks.'

'Fine. You know I will find out though. Scared to open it front of me? How bad could it be?' She retorted.

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