Pre Work Intoxication

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'Honey, I'm going' Adrian called out.
'No, no wait!' I yelled out after Adrian and walked over to the front door where he was fixing his hair in the full length mirror next to the wall.
I wiped my hands with the tea towel, and left the pasta sauce to simmer heading over to Adrian.
'Wait let me give you a kiss'
'Sage, you didn't have to come running to the door for that. Should've just said you wanted me to show off my kissing skills and I would've run to you.
Calm down. We all know who's the quick study in this relationship. He smirked and put his arms around my waist. My favourite position and I continued 'speaking of studies I just read an article that those who kiss their wives before they leave home lead better lives.
'Babe if you kissed me everyday I would have the best life.'
'Shh. I'm being serious'
'Okay then. I'm sure there was some study done. He said using air quotation marks for 'study' and maintained an amused glint in his eyes.
'Im being honest. In the 1980s they found a study that men that kiss their wives before going to work live longer, have less of chance of an accident and a higher income.'
'Okay. Look I don't need a reason to kiss you. So come over here.'
I finally leaned in a little and puckered my lips waiting for Adrian to meet me halfway. Instead he smirked and closed his eyes. I folded my arms around the nape of his neck and hoisted myself up onto him. He immediately took charge and grabbed my back to support me up and I held on tighter to his back, my legs wrapped around his waist.
'Way to get a guy's attention.'
'Yeah, not that hard when he's always drooling over me.' I didn't get a chance to finish the end of my witty response. The feeling of his lips on mine was one I could never get sick of. He pushed me back against the console and seated me down. I quickly loosened his tie and undid a couple buttons. The back of my top had a cut out and he flicked at my bra strap and it came undone as he expertIy manoeuvred his way around it. I pulled back momentarily to look at him. I gave an impressed smile and got back to the fierce and soft lips that knew precisely what they were doing. Surprisingly, Adrian was the one to break apart and began fixing his tie. I let out a muffled 'Mmh' as his lips parted from mine. 'We'll continue this when I get back from work.'
'Hell, you're late.'
'Doesn't matter. It was worth it.'
'Think you can spare a bit more time?'
'What did you have in mind?'
'Well, did you know that the record for the longest kissing time is 58hours.'
'You want me to take the next three days off work so we can kiss non stop.' He said. His eyes brightened and excitement flooded him. He put down the briefcase he was holding down onto the console i was sitting on. I got up brushing my body on his as I did. I picked up his briefcase and thrusted it into his chest.
'No, I just thought it was a fun fact. Have a good day at work.'
'I will. I'll tell everyone that I have the best wife in the world as I enter the coffee room.'
'You should.'
He left not without giving one last lingering kiss leaving me with a tingly sensation. 'For good luck' he whispered before he opened the front door and went far out of reach.

Author's Note:
Hello everyone!
Thank you for reading this. This was just a spur of the moment thing. Unfortunately, I've put ftft on the back burner because it is my final year at school. Life's been pretty hectic, with 17 people living in my house. Yeap, that's right. But don't think I've stopped writing. I have about 40 different ideas and I'm trying to compile them into one big story instead of one shots. It's much harder than I thought it would be. I don't want to post anything I'm not proud of. I am really sorry though :(
To give you a heads up though it's a story about Sydney and Adrian in their final year of school. Adrian works for Sydney's mom as a mechanic at her car repair store. Let me know what you think?
Thanks for reading till the end! Have a lovely day!! Xx

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