Part 9 - She's a Member

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'Ms.Terwilliger you have to help us. It's Zoe! My sister!' I pleaded.

'Sydney, we will get your sister back but you have to stay here.' She tried to explain but I cut her off before she could say anything else as ridiculous. My baby sister was out there battling for her life and she was asking me to sit around and do nothing. Especially when I had the power to help.

'Sydney, you need to understand. You have helped enough, you have to let us take over. The Stelle group members and I will get her back. Don't worry. A location spell and our magic combined they won't be able to harm her'

'What if they already have? She's only fifteen for God's sake.'

'We can't risk her knowing about your magical powers. Not when her loyalties lie with the Alchemists. Do you really want her to know about you?'

'No, but Adrian can compel her or I could use a disfigurement charm or-'

'Or nothing. It is to risky. Our blood is strong enough that Strigoi can't drink us. You don't have that power and experience yet. Do you really want someone tampering with your sister's mind?

'No' I whispered, quietly admitting Ms.Terwilliger was right. I couldn't let Zoe find out about me, but then again I couldn't let anything happen to her and I definitely couldn't just sit around and watch.

'Can I at least come with you there and stay in the car?'

'Oh dear, we aren't going to be taking a car.'

'What do you mean?'

'You'll see' she answered mysteriously and abruptness walked off. She contacted the rest of the Stelle members and they all gathered in the living room. Adrian was in a bedroom trying to sleep, to see if he could find Zoe in a spirit dream. He returned and I could see him approaching me.

'No luck?'

'No.' He said gravely looking at the floor.

'That's okay. I think the Stelle have it under control. It meant a lot to me that you tried.'

'I know I just wish there was more that I could do for you'

'I wish there was more I could do. As for now it seems like it's just a waiting game'

'What's the game plan?'

'They are going to get into her head, find the location, somehow get there and rescue her'

'Easy enough'

I grimaced and looked at the floor again.

'Adrian I'm scared. It all sounds so easy and uncomplicated, but what if, the worst happens? How will I cope knowing something has happened to Zoe?'

'Because you won't have to. Nothing will happen. You won't let it. Jackie and her friends look like they know what they are doing. Just let them do their thing. If it doesn't work I promise you, I will accompany you and together we will go get her back okay?'

I didn't answer. Adrian lifted my chin upwards until our eyes met and repeated 'nothing will happen'

I leaned in and he pulled me into a warm embrace. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me by the waist. It was the most comforting feeling in the world, but my muscles were tense and I was worried to death. 'Sydney, you might want to come see this.' Ms.Terwilliger's voice called out. I broke apart from Adrian, but his hand still lingered on my back, slowly trailing down to my hand. The warmth was something I desperately in that moment.

Adrian walked into the lounge area and the twelve ladies were gathered together in a circle all connected by their hands. There were brightly lit candles on every empty flat surface illuminating the night sky. There was a wooden cauldron placed in the centre if their circle. They leaned their heads down in unison and chanted a Latin incantation I couldn't quite grasp the meaning of. That only meant this spell was that much more advanced. It made me consider if I actively took part in their coven meetings and be a Stelle member, I would've been able to help. My entire outlook changed, suddenly a group of women using their abilities to help an innocent person, jeopardising their own lives for an unknown didn't seem unholy or evil anymore. They chanted and the light from the candles began flickering.The each threw a green powder into the wooden cauldron placed in the center and vanished out of thin air. Adrian and I both sported stunned expressions. They were all gone.

'I know this probably isn't the time but you have got to learn how to do that trick'

'I was just thinking of something along those lines' I whispered.

'Hmm?' Adrian asked, his vampire hearing able to detect the sound.

'Oh nothing. I guess, it's what you said a waiting game now. I hate this'

I grumbled.

'You really hate not being able to help don't you.'

'Of course I do. I hate knowing Zoe is out there and this is all my fault. If I wasn't frolicking around on personal errands maybe it could've been me that was taken, not Zoe. Just imagine what the Alchemists would say if they found out about this. I would be sent to re education before you could blink your eyes and I love Zoe. I wouldn't be able to live knowing she died or became Strigoi because if me.'

'Sydney, this isn't your fault. Even if you were there they would've taken her. They would've found her regardless. Jackie will get her back and I can compel her to forget so no one will find out about this. Sydney I would never let anything happen to you or Zoe. If you don't trust yourself. Trust me.'

I melted into his arms again but this time I let the quiet sobs come out.

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