Part 11 - She's a Believer

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for following along with this story. As well as my sometimes slow updates. I promise there is some more Sydrian fluff coming up! I had this scene pictured in my head for a long time so let me know if you think I did it justice. I hope I did. Please don't forget to comment and vote if you like it. I really do appreciate it and helps motivate me to keep writing. Enjoy :) xx

He was lying in front of me. His pulse so feint it was barely detectable. I laid my hands over his chest and I wiped away the tears that escaped from my eyes hurriedly and began yelling his name.

'Adrian! No, Adrian. No you can't do this to me. I need you!' I yelled at him. Grabbing his collar and demanding him to come back to me. A twitch of a finger. A word. Anything, as long as it meant he was still alive. He let out one word 'Blood' before he looked away and closed his eyes again, so quietly it was a wonder I could even hear anything.

I had been performing CPR techniques that would suffice for humans. For Adrian, though it was blood. I had many qualms about vampires drinking blood. More so, innocent human blood but in that instant nothing mattered. It was Adrian's life and that meant more to me than any deeply ingrained humanistic belief I used to stand for.

I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and made a slit on my wrist, crimson colored blood oozing out. I winced at the pain and sight of the blood. I reached my arm out and pressed it to his lips. Adrian pushed his head away but I focused it back into position. After a moment of hesitation Adrian greedily complied and pulled away as the colour began coming back to his cheeks and his pulse increased.

I was lost in the feel of endorphins for a minute. The exhilarating high it sent through me getting the better of me. I began smiling like an idiot and opened my eyes to see Adrian beginning to cough as his eyes fluttering shakily and then open entirely. Seeing those green eyes again melted my insides and I didn't know what I felt. Words could not describe my emotions it was a mixture of all feelings-pain, anger, happiness. But most of all relief that Adrian was well again.

I helped him up into a sitting position and before he could say anything I brought him into an embrace. His raged breath heaving against mine. My hand in his hair for one not stylishly messy, but only messy. I didn't know what I would've done if something horrible had happened.

I wiped away another tear and brought him even closer. His hand tracing the side of my hips and rubbing my back consolingly. We both weren't letting go but simply devoured the feel of one another against each other. 'You have no idea how scared I was'

I could see a slight curve to his lips when he said 'Glad to know you weren't happy to get rid of me.'

'Adrian, you idiot. I should never have agreed to let you do this. You could've died' I said, letting out the words that had tortured me to no end.

'So, I would've been happy to die like this, Sage'

'How can you be so irritatingly calm about this. Adrian, I'm serious.'

'I would've died for the person I loved and with the image of you in your complete strength and power, fresh in my mind.'

I shook my head, to convey he was being irrational and clearly wasn't thinking straight.

He grabbed a hold of my hand gently and said 'I'm being completely serious. I can't think of any better way to die.'

'Don't talk about you dying, Adrian. I can't even handle thinking about it.'

'Look Sydney, I know you can't live without me but God at least try be subtle about it.' He retorted, clearly being more amused than he should be.

I love you Sage.' He voiced in utter seriousness.

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