Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3

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Why, that lying, two faced son of a jackal. ''Ah, I see. How...thoughtful of him. That's a very generous offer, Chester, but I wanted to ask if it was possible for me to be stationed at your New York offices? I've grown attached to the place.'' I asked, trying to ignore my anger at Phil. I wanted to expose him, so bad, but there was no evidence and I really didn't want to throw the excitement Chester was exuding back in his face. 

Chester hummed. ''Well, that can certainly be arranged Hayden. You're a high valued asset, I don't see why we can't make a little room for you in New York.'' I smiled thankfully.

''Thanks very much Chester. I might just join you sooner than you think,'' I said lightly. Soon as I deal with that damn old man.

He stood, grinning broadly. 'That's wonderful! I'll have the paperwork drawn up and you can send it to me at your convenience!''

I nodded in agreement and shook his outstretched hand, firmly. He got a pensive look suddenly which made me frown. ''Is there something wrong, Chester?''

''no...I've forgotten something I'm sure of it... Oh you know you'll be doing a mini orientation after this and tomorrow morning.''

''Sure thing. I'll get the details from your secretary? I'll be leaving tomorrow evening then, if all is well?''

''Yes, yes...get it from her...''He hummed scratching his head. His face llit up. ''Yes! I've remembered! We will reschedule your flight for the next morning is that okay?''

''Reschedule? I have somewhere to be for my current clients that morning, sir.'' I said respectfully. ''I could do a later flight that night?''

''nonsense! You'll rest and take the first flight out to...?''

''San Franscisco...what do I have to do tomorrow night? You still haven't told me, sir'' 

He laughed heartily, ''Forgive me child, I am a little absent minded this morning. Why, a bright thing like you should know! If you're going to be working with us in the near future, we should all try to get off on the right foot, yes?'' I held in a gasp of horror as realization set in. No fucking way. Don't say it, prove me wrong. Don't let me be right, please, god.

''Dr Roberts is terrible sorry for the bad impression he gave yesterday. He admitted that perhaps he had one too many drinks. So, he'd like to do over!'' Fuck me, ''So, I've taken the liberty to arrange a dinner for the two of you tomorrow night! He insisted on being a gentleman and giving you a surprise, so I can't tell you where he'd taking you. So, tomorrow at 8pm if I remember right'' He laughed again while I wanted to just run away screaming. 

''You'll be going, won't you Hayden? I'd be most disappointed if you don't try and be a team player so early into our relationship?'' He frowned at me, not understanding why I wouldn't want to go to dinner.

''I-i-it's '' I cleared my throat, ''It's only dinner right?'' I feebly joked.

''That's the spirit! I knew I chose you for a reason!!'' He slapped my back and laughed again like fucking Santa 'ho-ho-ho-ing'' even after I left his office. I facepalmed.

''Hi, I need my schedule for the orientation....'' I asked the secretary, my mind preoccupied with wondering if I should tell the guys any of this.

A few hours later, I was done with the orientation which was basically a huge introduction session where I was brought to see all the department heads and made to introduce myself. All while intermittenly checking in with Sandra like I had promised.

I sank down on my bed, finally back in my suite exhausted with all the fake smiles and fluffy conversations I had to keep up for them during my time around the Frankbridge. I was excited at the prospects of working here, but meeting the people and knowing Phil was involved in the whole thing made me want to walk away and not look back. 

They Called Her El Diabloحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن