Patrick Imagine: Let's Make Patrick Uncomfortable Round 4!

Start from the beginning

"B-but your mom was downstairs." Patrick stuttered.

"We could've been quiet." You smirked.

"Woah alright, I'm kinda hungry. Patrick do you mind showing me where the snacks are?" Joe asked, catching on to the intense game you and Pete were currently locked in.

"Sure." Patrick said, still dazed from your comment.

"Andy, give us a hand?" Joe added. Andy nodded and followed the other two men to the kitchen. Pete immediately glared at you with intense eyes.

"You play a dirty game (Y/N). Honing in on his horny teenage memories? You're some kind of evil genius." He chuckled dryly.

"You think you know Patrick, but I've known him longer. I know what gets the guy going." You grinned.

"But who do the fans ship him with the most? Me. We have that undeniable bond that all the fangirls love, well not all of them. There are some petekey shippers out there and they're not entirely wrong, but I'm getting off topic, so this is it. The final story. Whoever gets the biggest reaction out of our lovable fedora man wins."

"You never talked prizes Wentz. What do I get after I win?"

"Winner gets $2,000 and whatever else they want from the loser."

"Oh I'm looking forward to that $2,000." Just as you two finished your conversation, Joe, Andy, and Patrick came back into the living room.

"Patrick, man, can I talk to you real quick?" Pete asked. All eyes turned to him.

"What's up?" Patrick asked, taking his seat back next to you.

"I have another confession. I don't want you to get too shocked or embarrassed or anything so I feel like it's best if we do this in private."

"Pete, did something happen?"

"I don't know if you want me to say it in front of everyone."

"We're practically family. Just spit it out."

"For the past year, I wanted to have a threesome with you and (Y/N)." As soon as Pete said this, you choked on the water you were drinking. Andy and Joe looked at Pete with wide eyes. And Patrick's expression was pure shock. Pete Wentz, you sneaky bastard.

"W-what?" Patrick stuttered.

"I know it's weird, but you guys just mean so much to me and I want us all to be connected in every way." Pete continued. The blush on Patrick's face was impossible to miss.

"'t think that that's possible." Patrick said uncomfortably. You decided this was your chance. You were gonna end this game now.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be having any threesomes for a while anyways." You chuckled lightly. All the attention then shifted to you.

"What do you mean?" Patrick asked, looking at you with those beautifully intricate eyes.

"Jesus Patrick, do you know what you do to a girl with those eyes. I'm drenched over here. I've known you all my life and you still manage to give me butterflies in my stomach and goosebumps on my arm. You're such a nervous person at times, but I love it. I remember when we were 14 and I told you I wanted you to be my first kiss. That was the first time I saw you go fully red. I feel like that kiss was my favorite, because you gave it to me. You left Chicago to go touring but you never forgot me. And then when we got together I was so happy. Finally I would be able to get all the mind blowing sex from Patrick Martin Stump! Patrick, what I'm trying to say is...butterflies aren't the only thing you put in my stomach." You said holding Patrick's hands in yours.

"(Y/N), what are you talking about?" Patrick frowned with a confused look on his face.

"Patrick, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a daddy." You giggled, placing his hands on your stomach. Patrick looked from your stomach to your face.

Then he passed out.

You looked back at a shocked Pete Wentz and shrugged.

"I win." You smiled.

"Forget about that right now! (Y/N) congrats!" Pete cheered running to hug to along with Andy and Joe.

"How far along are you?" Andy asked.

"About a month and a half. I had no clue how to announce it until Pete told me he wanted to play his little game." You explained.

"I'm gonna go to the bank and get your $2,000 tomorrow. This is the one time I'm glad to have lost." Pete laughed.

"So you have to do whatever I say now, right?"

"That's right."

"Plan my baby shower?" Now Pete was shook.

"Idiot I would've done it whether you wanted me to or not!" He smiled hugged you again.

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