Andy Imagine: Mermaid's Aren't Real...Right? Pt. 2

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Your heart was pounding.

You just saved a human.

A real live human!

After bringing the bearded man with colorful pictures on his body back to shore, you promptly swam out of his sight and back under water. You weren't exactly sure what would happen if you were seen, but it couldn't be good.

"(Y/N)! Where'd you go?! I thought I lost you." Your mermaid friend, Bucky, worried.

"Bucky, I just saw a real, live human!" You exclaimed.

"A human?!"

"Yea Buck! He fell over from one of those ship things and was drowning. I couldn't let him die so I picked him up and carried him to shore."

"(Y/N), what if he had seen you?! He could've killed you."

"I was careful Bucky. He had little, colorful pictures on his body. He was...magnificent." You smiled to yourself, thinking of the human.

"Oh Poseidon, don't tell me you've fallen in love with a human." Bucky teased swimming ahead of you. Bucky's large tail always fascinated you. It was a shiny silver color. It was beautiful.

"James! How dare you suggest that?" You huffed swimming after your friend.

"You've never looked so distracted (Y/N)." Bucky laughed.

"Just you wait. I'll call your boyfriend and tell him all the embarrassing moments you had before you two started dating."

"You're the worst!" You and Bucky laughed, swimming back to the rest of the pod (I believe I read somewhere that this is the term for a group of mermaids). However, you couldn't help but look back up at the top of the sea. Would you ever see that human again?


"Andy, how'd you even make it out of the water man? Pete tells us those waves were savage." Joe asked looking at his friend.

"Something saved me...I'm still not sure what it was." Andy mumbled.

"Come on Andy. You probably just saw a fish or something and swam back to shore." Pete sighed.

"I know what I saw! No fish has a purple tail as big as the one I saw. This...this was something way different."

"What are you saying Andy?" Patrick frowned.

"Something saved me and I'm gonna find out." Andy mumbled before standing up.

"Start with mermaid in your wild goose hunt buddy." Pete called out with a sigh.

Mermaid? No way.

To be continued...

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