Patrick Imagine: Pete vs Patrick Pt. 3

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You and Patrick shared a look before looking at the doorway where Pete stood only seconds ago.

"Shit, Pete's gonna hate me." Patrick cursed.

"I didn't expect him to look so sad." You mumbled.

Pete's POV

I could feel my heart break in a million pieces.

My best friend was making out with the girl I love.

Patrick knew I liked (Y/N). How could he do this to me? But (Y/N) was kissing back. I obviously had no chance with her.

But it still hurt like hell.

I sat on my bed and laid back starting at the ceiling. There was never gonna be the right girl for me, because they already have their other half. I'm like that one sock that can never be seen with its counterpart. I'm doomed to be that single sock forever. There was a knock on my door. I looked up to see (Y/N) standing in the doorway.

"I'm fine." I answered automatically.

"I didn't ask that." (Y/N) replied. She came and sat next to me on the bed.

"Patrick told me what you told him." (Y/N) whispered.

"Great, so now I look like an idiot." I scoffed.

"Pete stop it. You're very attractive, but I just feel that I connect more with Patrick."

"Of course you do. Choose Patrick: he's everyone's least problematic fave." (Y/N) let out one of those cute giggles that made me smile. She looked over at me with those (E/C) eyes that I loved to see.

"Pete, you're amazing. You're cute, funny, and an all around great guy. Someone's gonna give you as much love as you give one day. I just...I don't feel for you in a romantic way. I care for you." (Y/N) said softly. I stared at her before pressing my lips to hers quickly.

"Sorry, just wanted to know how it'd feel." I smirked. (Y/N) laughed and shoved me lightly.

"You're a good guy Pete, honest." She said. She then stood up and left the room. A few minutes after she left, there was another knock. I looked up and saw Patrick standing sheepishly by the door.


"No Pete, I wanna talk." Patrick said, cutting me off. I nodded and patted the spot on the bed next to me. Patrick sat down and fiddled with his thumbs nervously.

"You're my best friend hands down, and I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you. It's just, I liked (Y/N) and then you told me, but I wanted you to be happy! So...I started avoiding her, it was for the best and then she cornered me. She made me confess everything. Pete, I'm sorry." Patrick rambled. I smiled and hugged him.

"You deserve to be happy to Trick. I really appreciate you backing off for me, but you didn't have to do that." I said softly. Patrick just smiled and shrugged.

"Our friendship is just that important to me." He said before leaving. When the whole room was silent and empty, I looked across at my mirror.

What a catch, Pete

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