29. All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth

Start from the beginning

Obviously I don't smoke, so as much as I would like to go outside with her, I don't. The man she was talking to decides to go, and Harry, being a non-smoker too, stays by my side.

"A drinking game?" I ask with a bit of a grimace. Usually those don't end well for me. You can probably tell why. "I'm not sure if I can. Maybe I'll just watch on."

"Miller, come on. You have to help me out here. I can't play without you. If you don't, then I won't either." He folds his arms as if it's some kind of challenge, and in the process, spills his own drink down his own jumper. "Fuck," he curses, trying to wipe it off.

"You're more than buzzed," I comment, quite amused, and I'm about to say something else, but we're interrupted.

"Hi...Harry Styles?" A girl, maybe in her early 20s, has approached us – or Harry, really – with a shy expression.

"That would be me," Harry replies with a charming smile. The bastard.

"It's great to m-meet you...could we get a photo, maybe?" Her eyes are literally in the shape of hearts, and to be honest, I don't blame her in the slightest.

"Of course! What's your name?" He asks, while she holds up her phone with him posing right next to her. He has to bend down so that he's her height. Cute.

"I'm Amelie. Thank you so, so much," she says. And she must be quite the fan, too, because she seems to be shaking. Again, I don't blame her.

"No problem at all, Amelie, it was great meeting you." It's obvious he's trying to wrap up the conversation, but he's being very sincere about it. How could anyone not like this man, I swear to god. "But can I ask you a favour?"

"Yes, yes?"

"Would you mind not posting that photo until maybe tomorrow, or in the next couple o' days? I would really appreciate it." Then, he leans in to hug her as she tells him that she won't post it. I wonder if she'll stick with that promise.

Once she's gone, I ask Harry, "why don't you want her to post it?"

"Well, if she posted it now, and people figured out where she is, then they might try and come here. I just wouldn't really want that for Tom, or for...you, I guess." He drapes his hand casually over my shoulder, but I can tell he feels awkward about what he just said.

"How come?" I ask him, though I think I know the answer.

"I dunno, I just don't want to scare you off or anything..." He looks away, and I am literally screaming inside. He doesn't want to scare me off? Like that could ever happen! "Should we get to that drinking game?" He smirks, and now he's back to his playful self. Here we go.


Half an hour later, and a guy called Alexander has just dared Alexa to do a strip tease. After a hell of a lot of debating, Alexa has agreed to do it...

...and now she's decided to stand up on the coffee table to do so.

Thankfully, most of the party have left now and there are only about 10 of us. I'm guessing that's why she feels comfortable enough to strip in front of everyone.

Plus, she's a bit drunk.

Aren't we all. After much persuasion, I've moved from wine to the weird cocktails, and I don't regret it. One bit.

"Is this turning you on?" She asks the guy who dared her, and as I look more closely at him, I realise who it is. It's bloody Alexander Skarsgård. I mean, come on. They must be a couple then – I can tell by the way they're looking at each other.

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