Almost Finally (Dream 1)

Start from the beginning

I put my hands on his waist and asked "babe what's wrong?"

"C-can we talk"

"Yeah of course!"

Armin can't be pregnant, right!? The closest we've gotten to sex was him giving me a blowjob so that couldn't of done anything. Right?.

Armin sat me down on the couch and put my hands onto his thighs.

"E-Eren I'm...

"I can't hear you, you might have to speak a little louder babe"

Armin took a deep breath.

"Eren I-I got an academic recognition from one of my professors. T-They offered me a scholarship at this really nice school."

"Armin that's amazing why didn't you tell me!"

My boyfriend began to tear up.

"I got offered to go to Yale. In America. I wanted to get my masters degree and over there, that's more than 4 years of school."

Shit, we live in Germany. I wouldn't be able to see Armin every day.

I could feel my face begin to fall.

"Armin. I think you should go. It would be a really nice opportunity. Plus you've always wanted to go to the US. I could still visit you. Education is literally your life. I think you would be disappointed if you didn't go.

Dammit. I was gonna propose to him soon.

"Eren, you're crying"

"I am?"


"I-I'm just sad that you're going to be leaving."

"At least I wouldn't have to leave for 3 months."

I started to stand up from the couch.

"E-Eren what are you doing?!"

"I'm calling my boss to see if I can take some time off, I wanna spend some time with you before you leave."



Those 3 months went by extremely fast. The next thing I knew, I was dropping off Armin at the airport.
I brought the ring I had bought a few weeks ago in case I felt like it would be right to ask my boyfriend to marry me, but I think Armin would be too stressed right now. Once I had walked with my boyfriend to security I think we had the longest hug we had ever given anyone. When I looked at my watch we had been clinging to each other for 4 minutes. I kissed Armin's scent gland as a way of saying goodbye. I saw as he showed a security guard at a checkpoint his passport and student visa. I walked back so my car in the airports parking garage, and just kind of sat there for a few minutes trying to register everything.

I probably won't be able to see him for months. ASAP when there's a flight to Connecticut, I'm flying there to visit him.

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