When you would let her have a piece of your mind, she'd only get angrier. A yelling match would start, you'd say hurtful things, you'd curse her out and say you never wanted to see her again. She still always came back and it would be pretty much the same each time.

Whenever you'd finally get rid of her, Bucky would be there for you. He'd shush you if you were getting worked up, yelling or crying about how terrible your mother was. He'd tell you the two of you could put that behind you, forget it. Sometimes, if you wanted or seemed like you needed it, he'd let you have the occasional kick of cocaine.

He knew it was wrong and it could be fatal if the usage of the drug was taken to extremes but...

Sometimes he'd need it too.

I say oh oh oh ohh
You been scratchin, you been fiendin
I'm a fix you, I'm a fuck you
I'm a get rid of them demons 

If he noticed you've been taking more drugs, showing signs of craving that sweet release of being high, he got worried.

He'd notice it in your face too, sometimes he'd see you looking through all your cabinets and closets, even Bucky's pockets. He'd notice you running your hand over your face in distress and tug your hair. He'd keep looking at you until your gaze finally met his.

He'd shake his head, not in disappointment as you'd always think at first. All you had known your whole life was how it felt to disappoint someone and even when you thought Bucky was disappointed in you, he always proved you wrong.

Instead of being disappointed, he wanted to help you. He genuinely did. Too bad he didn't really know how to. He knew your inner demons were bothering you, he wanted to do anything he could to help you but he only knew one way.

The only way he knew how to silence your demons was make you scream louder than them. That was accomplished by burying himself between your legs.

My druggy
Love me
When I'm ugly
Hug me
When I'm bummy, scummy
I'm your hubby
Let's get lost, let's get lost   

While he was helping you, he realized you had been helping him as well. He realized he needed someone to be there for him and although he didn't really share much, he knew you were there for him. He needed to have someone to rely on and that was what he had when he was with you.

He felt wanted whenever you were around. He felt cared for even if he had a bad day or had doubts about himself. When he'd feel like a monster, you'd be there to hold him like he was the only person in the world you cared about.

When you held him like that, so kind and no sexual motive behind your actions, it's when he wanted to stop the time, freeze it. He just wanted to stay in that moment forever and get lost in your comfortable embrace.

Damn I need a minute... aight lehgo
She fell in love, it fell apart... aight let go
She met her match, I let her match
She lit her match, she let me smoke

The two of you weren't really dating, you weren't exclusive at least by an agreement. Neither of you really slept around, you two relied on each other too much. You couldn't really live without one another, at least you didn't try to but when feelings started to develop on your part, it scared Bucky.

At first you wouldn't admit you had feelings for him but Bucky saw right through you. It really did scare him, you two were close to falling out. That night you ended in bad terms, there was a lot of yelling and pouring your hearts out. After both of you had had enough, Bucky had left, slamming doors.

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