(Fastest Man Alive) 2

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As I'm running towards the crime scene I see Barry stop behind a wall in his super suit. He was about to walk over to the scene when he looked down and realized he was wearing the super suit. I laughed a little to my already changed self.

I stopped behind him to tap him on the shoulder. He immediately turned around thinking someone saw him in the suit, but he relaxed when seeing it was me. I hold up the bag with his clothes. "Missing something?" I teased him as I drop it at his feet and walked away from him towards crime scene.

I was by already inspecting the scene when Joe and the Captain started talking about what happened. "Perp made off with a bunch of handguns. At least six Glock-19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines. Somebody's looking to do a lot of bad." Joe comments to both the Captin and I.

Of course that's when Barry walks in. I turn my head a bit to get a glance when I see a....price tag? On his shoulder. Why didn't he just change into the clothes I brought him. The world would never know. I cut out part of the conversation as I stand back up to look at the footprints that were left.

I toon myself back into the conversation when I hear something that spiked my interest. "I downloaded surveillance footage off the video camera. Looks like there was only one perp." Eddie shows the tablet to Sigh and Joe.

However thats when I step in. "Wrong." I said with our looking up. "The camera might have showed one guy. But there were multiple people. Look at all the footprints." I point at them while Barry retraces them. They all look at us. "Aaron's right. Look, the tracks. They're all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints six guns stolen. We should be looking for a crew." Barry finishes my thought.

While I was looking back at the foot prints while Barry explained I notice something. "What in the world?" I mumble quietly. Everyone must have heard me cause there heads turned. "Sorry, but I just notice that the prints are all the same size. Man size 10 I believe." I point out.

However Barry must take it a step farther and embarrassed Joe and I. "Just like you, captain." And in that moment, Barry Henry Allen knew he fucked up. "Not that's you're a suspect, sir." He looked horrified at what he just said. Everyone walks away while I put my head in my hands and Joe has this "'You kidding me look' on his face.


"Your ability to multitask is remarkable. The way you can embarrass me, Aaron, the captin, and yourself at the same time." Joe expressed to Barry as we all walked back into CCPD. "Joe, I'm sorry-" Barry was going to contuin but Joe bet him to it. "I'm starting to think, 'Joe I'm sorry' is my actual name considering how often you say it to me." We stop in the middle of the station. Luckily no one pays attention to us.

"I'm dealing with a lot right now." Barry points out. "Look, I know you are. Believe me, I'm dealing with it too. I've always had a a very simple set of beliefs. Gravity makes things fall. Water makes things wet. Until a few weeks ago, I believed the fastest man could run a mile in four minutes. Not four seconds." Joe contradicts him. However I also can't keep my mouth shut some times. "Bet I can do it in 3." Barry and I say at the same time. We looked at each other with small smile on our face then turn back to see Joe giving us a look of disappoint. "Not relevant." Barry corrects.

Joe looks around a moment like he looking for something. "You guys, haven't said anything to Iris, have you?" Joe asked. "I barely know her, so no I haven't." I responded. He looked satisfied with my answer. We both looked at Barry. "No, I made a promise. I keep my promises." He says a little to fast. I clap him on the shoulder. "Sure you do." I told him." We're going to go run some rest for the crime scene upstairs. See ya, Joe." I wave a little as I push Barry towards the stairs a bit.


We haven't heard anything from the yacht that Dad and Oliver went on in a few days. I was starting to get worried. I was eating my breakfast before school with my little sister Thea. While mom was sitting on the couch with the news on.

I was hardly paying any attention to it until something caught my attention. "After hearing a distress call, from the Queen's Gambit. The cost gards went looking for the it. Unfortunately the yacht was found, but with no survivors."

I droped my fork in my hand. We all looked at each other in silence. My little sister was sobbing while running towards my mom and grabbed her like she was her life line. My mom hugged her with one arm with the other one open for me. But I couldn't. So I ran. Out of the house in record time. And I never stopped.

Every Boy Needs A Queen | Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now