(Pilot) 2

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9 months later

I woke to Poker face going on in the background.

"What are you doing" a woman voice cut threw the song

"He likes this song" A man-ish voice cut in

"How could you possibly know that" the woman started arguing with the male

"I checked his Face book page. And they could hear everything right?"

I tried to move, but it was so difficult. I only just moved my finger.

"Autoarie func- wait did she just move a finger? The woman asked (a/n I can't spell so stay with me)

"Wait did she?" The male question

*gasp* came from a new voice

"Oh my god"

"Where am I"

"He's up" The women stated

"Dr. Well get dow-" the male was cut off by Me.

"Owwwww" I started to sit up

"There both up" the woman stated "Call Dr.Wells"

The woman started to get in my space and the boy next to me.

"Ok chill, chill, chill. What is going on?" As I started to push past the woman I saw who was next to my bed. It was was Barry.

"Wow. Ok budy relax. Everything's ok. Your at S.T.A.R labs" the male with black hair stated

"S.T.A.R labs?" Barry asked the same time I went "Wait, what"

"I'm Cisco Ramon, She's Caitlin Snow...Dr. snow" Cisco told us

"I need you guys to urinate in these" Caitlin pulled out two little beakers

"Not this second" Cisco said

"Wait. What is happening? What's going on?" He got up and walked a few feet away from everyone. Me following in suit.

"Yeah, I want to know that two" I agreed with Barry on this

"You were struck by lightning dudes" Cisco had a hint of a smile on his face.

Barry turned around and came across a screen. "Lighting gave me abs?" He was so confused I can tell.

"Well I had abs before this so, yeah." Then I realized I have nothing on but a sports bra and sweatpants. "By the way can I get a shirt or something to cover myself?"I asked moving my hands over myself. Caitlin gave a S.T.A.R labs sweat shirt to both of us

Then Caitlin started to say something that I wasn't paying attention to.

"All right come here" Cisco moved us to the hospital bed to sit on "You were in a Coma"

My face paled. I didn't know who long I was out. Who know what happened back home. What did Oliver and Thea and the rest of team arrow do?

"For how long" Barry asked the question on both our minds

"9 months" a voice said behind us. We all turned around "Welcome back Mr. Allen and Miss. Queen. We have a lot to discuss" It was Dr. Harrison Wells in a wheelchair.
"It's hard to believe that I'm here. I always wanted to meet you face to face" Barry said while walking next to Dr. Wells

"Yeah. Well You did go to great lengths to do it" Dr. Wells commented

"Yeah.....sorry about that." I apologised " I guess that we wanted it so bad that the universe got tired of waiting" I said moving my hands in big jesters.

"Well. S.T.A.R labs has not been operational since F.E.M.A made us a mass 4 hazardis location" Dr. Wells informed us wheel we walked pass a cage that was destroyed. "17 people died that night. Many more were injured, myself a long side them." As we came to a stop we say the Particle Accelerator demolished.

"What the hell" I said in shock

"Jeeze. What happened?" Barry asked the million dollar question.

"9 months ago, the Particle Accelerator went online as plan for 45 minutes. I have achieve my life's dream and then, there was an anomaly. The electronic volts became unmerisable, the ring under us poped and the energy from the denonation was thrown into the sky, that created a storm cloud that" Dr. Wells let Barry continue.

"That created a lighting bolt. That struck us" Barry finished looking around the place.
"That's right" Dr. Wells confirmed his theory

I just stood there looking down at the Accelerator wondering what caused the anomaly.

"Do you know what caused the anomaly in the first place?" I had to ask

"Sadly we do not" Dr. Wells answered my question. "I was recovering myself when we herd about you. The hospital was having power outages when you guys were going into cardiac arrest, which was a miss diagnosed, because you see you weren't flat lining. Your heart beat was moving to fast for the EKG to register".

We finally went back to the place where we woke up from. Dr. Wells started talking again.

"Now. I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here. I also asked your family Miss. Queen. Where we were able to stablish you" Dr. Wells finished

"How often did my family come?" I had to ask Wells, it was bothering me more and more

"Quite often. As long with Miss. Iris West" he answered

"She talk is a lot" Caitlin was passing Dr. Wells is cup of coffee

"And she's hot. So was your sister" Cisco said behind us. I have him a look.

"I know how to throw knives. If you want to stay alive. Shut up" he went quite. I smirked.

"I need to go" Barry went to leave making us look at him like he was crazy.

"Hold up Barry. We just got out of a Coma. For 9 months. And you just want to leave" I walked up to him.

"Look Aaron, come with me that way we can look out for each other" he gave me a pleading look. I sighed "fine"

"No you can't" Caitlin warned us

And of course Dr. Wells had to agree " No. Caitlin right. Now that your awake we need to run some test. You're still going threw changes that we don't know."

"Look. I'm fine. I fill normal. Thank you for saving my life. Aaron let's go" he pulled on my hand to take us around the wall. Then he poped his head back in "Can we keep the sweatshirts?"

"Yeah. Keep the sweatshirts"

"Ok" with that we left

Every Boy Needs A Queen | Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now