(Pilot) 5

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"It looks like you had a distal radius fracture." Caitlin comments as she holds up a tablet with a picture of Barry's hand.

"Had?" Barry asked confused as to why she said had. I didn't blame him. I was wondering the same thing.

"It healed. In three hours." Catilin exclaims. As she shows the picture now of Barry's hand. It was completely healed.

"But, that's not possible. It takes at least six to eight weeks for a broken bone to heal?" I state. I should know. I had have a few broken bones in my life fighting along side my brother, but saying it only took a few hours, it's not possible.

"We don't know." She paused "Yet." She walked off to play around with the tablet she was holding.

"You really need to learn how to stop" Cisco comments as he walks by us to put our helmets away.

"You do need to learn." I push him slightly as I send a smirk in his direction. He look up at me with a amused smile.

"What Happen out there today? You were moving pretty well, then something caused you to lose focus?" Dr. Wells walked, or should I say wheeled over to where Barry and I were sitting.

Barry got this look on his face when he said that. Like he didn't want to replay some memory. He looked around for a sec then finally started to talk "I remembered something." He stoped. He hoped he didn't have to go into detail, but the look on Dr. Wells's face was telling him to go on. He continued "when I was eleven my mother was murdered." this got everyone's attention "It was late, the sound woke me up. I came down stairs. And I saw some thing that looked like a ball of lightning. In the lightning I saw a man. He killed my Mom. They arrested my Dad, he still sitting in Iron heights for her murder. The cops, the shrink all told me what I saw was impossible, but what if the man that kills my Mom was like me? Like us?" He finished off in a whisper. I already knew the story from when he came to Star City to help my brother, but to hear it like this. It was heart breaking.

"Well I think I can say unequivocally you guys are one of a kind." Dr. Wells tells Barry this and Barry just nods his head with a very quiet "yeah."

Every Boy Needs A Queen | Barry AllenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang