(Fastest Man Alive) 1

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"This is the part where I'm supposed to do a whole intro thingy-" Barry starts off and was about to continue until he got interupeded by someone clearing there throat very loudly. "Oh. Sorry. WE'RE supposed to do the whole intro thingy. Better?" He asked. A voice replied back. "Very. Anyway Barry Allen fastest man alive, Aaron Queen fastest  woman alive.-" Aaron gets interupeded by Barry. "But you know all that already. All right let's get to the good stuff. You see that smoke? That's a fire on Western and third in downtown Central City. And those blurs. That's us on our way to it. We're going 352 miles an hour. And that's a slow day." Than HE gets interupeded by Aaron. "Yes. Very lovely dear, but in case you've forgotten. We don't care. And yes I know that's rude." As I speed pass him.

I turn when I'm supposed to, but I turn back and see Barry is not following. "Damn it Bar." I muttered. Oh well can't go back. Right when I get there I get all the people I can see our of the burning building. And of course that's when Barry shows up. I was about to comment on it when we heard a woman shouting for a child named Paige. I look towards Barry. "Go." He runs into the building to get the little girl while I ran into an alleyway to wait for Barry. 

As soon as Barry gets there we immediately high five. "That was awesome!" I yell throwing my fists into the air. "Everybody's out. What else have you got Cisco? Barry raise the question that was on both of our minds. "Guys, it's Caitlin." Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. "Oh hey, Caitilin. How's your day been going? Mine and Barry's have been going well since you asked." I said the first thing came to mind. "Get back to S.T A.R Labs. NOW." Me and Barry looked at each other knowing we were dead. "On our way." I started running when I got a little light headed and triped a bit. I shrugged it off and ran back to the Lab.


"Have you both lost your minds? How do you think you are?" Catilin was pacing back and forth between the three of us. Cisco of course being the person he is answered the question even when he shouldn't have. "Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and they're the feet."

I put my hand on my face shaking it a bit. This reminds me of Felicity of when she used to rant how me and Oliver would put ourselves into harms way when we didn't need to. Anywho back to the present. And apparently I missed almost have of the conversation. "-aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any." Caitilin tells us.

That's when I decided to to step in. "But people in the city still need help. We can help them." I started to ramble quietly so now one can hear me. "God, it's like talking to Oliver all over again." I started to imitate Oliver just for fun. "No Aaron, I must follow what the book says. I can't stray from the book Aaron." As I walk to Cisco's darw to find a lollie pop and put it in my mouth.

I was about to continue my little ramble when Dr. Wells walked in. "I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacular angry way is we're just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record Mr. Allen, Miss. Queen I do caution restraint." Me rolls towards Barry in his little wheel chair. "Dr. Wells, I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today." Barry argues. "In a wheelchair and a pariah. Lack of restraint is what mad me these things. Know your limits." Dr. Wells tells Barry as he rolls away.

"Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something." Caitilin tells both of us as she walks towards the door. "Wouldn't count on it." I tell her. Barry just gives me a werid look. He drops it immediately as Cisco pulls us to the side. "Hey, uh anything happened out there today. The sensors in the suits were kicking back werid telemetry. Like, your vitals spiked for a second." Cisco asked. "Never felt better." Barry's phone rings so he goes to answer. "What about you?" He points to me. I bounce my head a bit before I answer. "Nah. I'm fine. Just got a little light headed. But for me it's normal to feel light headed sometimes." I tell Cisco.

He was about to tell me something when Barry got my attention. "Our day job beckons." He told me. I nod as he flashes out of the room. I stay there for a second looking at the bag of clothes he just left. That's when Wells decided to speak. "When do you think he'll realize he didn't take his clothes?" I shake my head and sigh. I grabbed mine and his clothes and raced out of there.

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