(Pilot) 8

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-At S.T.A.R Labs-

"We've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months. And there's been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people. Your mete-humans have been busy." Barry tells Caitlin and Cisco with two boxes on a table.

"Just so you guys know, we aren't blaming you for this. You didn't mean to do this. I know you all lost something that night. More so than others, but we do need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else that could have been affected out there. However we-" I've pointed at Barry than me. "-can't do this without you." I finished off the little speech that Barry and I said. Got to admit I had enough with speeches today.

Anywho back to the present. Barry and I stand in silence while Caitlin and Cisco look between each other. Than all of a sudden Cisco gets this little smirk on his face. "If we're gonna to do this I've have something that could help." We tells us to follow him as he walks out of the room down the corridor to another door. "Something I've been playing with." He than turns two stand like tables to face us. One red the other white. "It's designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if S.T.A.R Labs did something nice maybe people wouldn't be so angry at Dr. Wells." Cisco finished bragging about the two suits on the what ever there called.

"How is it going to help us?" Barry questioned Cisco as he walked a little closer to the red. While I went to the white one to examine it a little better than when I was standing next to Caitlin.

"It's made of reinforced tri-polymer. Its heat and abrasive resistant to withstand your moving at high-velocity speeds. The aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus, it has built-in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact with you from here." Cisco answered with a grin on his face.

"Thanks." Barry uttered to Cisco. Not really caring at the moment. "How do we find Mardon?" He spok louder this time.

This time Caitlin answered his one million dollar question and we all turned to face her. "I retasked S.T.A.R Labs' satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City. We just got a ping. Atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city." She finishes her train of thought. I look to Barry and he looked at me than back to the suits. And that's the moment we knew that we were doing this.


Barry and I run to the barn. And you know what we saw. I huge ass TORNADO!! "This is soooo not like the bad guys in Starling City." I comment to Barry and I can hear him chuckle in my ear piece a bit. As we're runing we see a piece off wood flying towards Joe at enough velocity to put him in a hospital if it hit him (see what I did there👍), so Barry jumps in front of it to make sure it missed his foster farther. So I ran towards were Barry stoped.

"Barry, Aaron. This thing's getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles per hour and increaseing. Guys can you hear me?" We hear the voice of Cisco threw our ear pieces.
"Yeah. Loud and clear." Barry replied.

"If this keeps up, this could become an F-5 tornado." Cisco warns us. "Dude, it's heading straight for the city." I say there my ear piece. I turned to the speedster next to me. "So do you know anyway we can stop it?"

The people behind the computers didn't know what to do as they remain silent, but that's when Barry came up with an idea. "What if we unravel it?" Barry looks at me to see if I agree with the idea, but I just looked at him like I was crazy. However Catilin voiced my opinion. "How the hell are you going to do that?"

"We'll run around it in the opposite direction. Cut of its legs." Barry responded to her question, but that's when I hear Cisco saying we have to run 700 miles per hour. "Cisco I don't know if our bodies can handle that speed." I voice there my ear piece. I looked at Barry for his opinion. He looked right back at me and said. "We have to try." I blew out a breath and nodded.

We ran. As fast as we can go. And you know what we were doing it! That was until Mardon realized what we were doing. So he created lighting  to hit Barry. It sent him flying, but just barely missing me by a few inches. I tried to keep up my speed. To do the impossible and to save the city. But I couldn't. "Barry I can't do this alone. I'm running out of energy. I need you back in here." I say with the little amount of energy.

I didn't hear what they were saying I was to focused on destroying the tornado. Than all of a sudden Barry was back next to me. And you know what he did. He grabed my hand and we ran together as fast as we can go destroying the weather phenomenon. We came to stop right in front of Mardon.

"Barry? Aaron?" We hear Caitilin, but we don't answer. We were to busy catching our breath. "Hey." Mardon calls to us. "I didn't think there was anyone else like me." He points a gun at us. "We aren't like you. You're a murderer." Barry comments with his hood/mask down.

He goes to shot us, but the next thing I know is that he's on the ground with gun shots in his chest. We turn around to see Joe running to us with his gun at his side.
"Aaron, Barry?" Catilin uttered into the ear piece. "It's over. We're okay." Barry answered her. Right when Joe ran to us we all fell into our  knees.

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