(Pilot) 4

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"You don't really believe they can run that fast, do you?" Caitlin asked Dr.Wells while they were setting up the equipment.

"I believe anything is possible. Maybe in a few minutes, you will too." Dr. Wells answered her question.

While this was going on me and Barry were changing in some sort of "Running" attire. Which to me just looked stupid.

"How does it fit?" Cisco walked to the trailer to ask us.

"It's a little snug." Barry replies as he walks out of the tralier.

"At least you'll be moving so fast that no one will see you. Where's Aaron?" Cisco comments. I poke my head out of the trailer to look at them.

"I don't want to come out." I tell them "Tell me why I had to wear this when I could of wore my actual running clothes?" I didn't want to come out of the tralier. I looked like an idiot in all this. However Barry walked back to the trailer and pulled me out of it. "If I have to suffer, so do you." Was his answer.

"See you thought the world was slowing down, it wasn't. You were moving so fast it only looked like every else was standing still" Cisco tells us as we're walking past the table with all the "toys" to start running in a bit. "Dr. Wells will be monitoring your energy output, and Caitlin your vitals." he continues his explanation.

"What do you do?" Barry questions Cisco.

"I make the toys man." he answers Barry's question with pride. With this answer I smile to myself, cause he and Felicity would get along so well.

"Check it. These are a two-way head set with a camera I modify topically design to compact battle full impact noise. Or in your guy's case potentially sonic booms, which would be awesome" Cisco chuckles at the thought of sonic booms as he walks off.

Barry and I laugh at that. We look at each other as we are taking of our helmets and glasses. As this happened Catilin or Dr. Snow walks up to us with a tablet and starts messing with it and not even looking at us.

"What?" She asked as she sees Barry studying her.

"Nothing." He says "I just notice you don't smile to much" as he finish his thought I can't help but feel guilty for the question he asked her.

Catilin looks up at him with a cold, but heart broken stare. "My once promising career in Bio-engineering is over. My boss is in a wheelchair for life. The explosion that put you in a coma also killed my Fiance. So this blank expression feels like the way to go" as she finished her rant about why she has a blank expression I can't help, but feel sorry for her. She had a very good life before the explosion took place and destroyed all that was good for her.

However my thoughts were interupeded by Dr. Wells. "Mr. Allen, Miss. Queen while I am extremely eggar to determine your full range abilities. I do caution restraint "

We both nod to show we understand what he wanted. After that little speech we line up ready to run the airport run way. We look back to see everyone getting ready to see what we can do. As we look back to the front I have a counter in my head.

3.2.1. GO!

We took off. The wind in my face was wonderful. I have never experienced this feeling in my life and I never wanted it to stop, but all go things must come to an end. Barry crashed into some water barrels. When he sat up he was holding his wrist.

"Barry!" I yelled. I sped to a stop right in front of him. I put my hand to the little head-set Cisco made "guys I little help. I think Barry broke his wrist" I tell them as I help Barry off the ground. And wait for them to come get us.

Every Boy Needs A Queen | Barry Allenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن