chapter 7

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I spent the weekend at his house avoiding my mother and father. The weekend was spent doing mindless nothings I even managed to do some homework with minimal bugging from him at one point he even sat down and tried to learn some of it.

 I won’t lie he was extrodanarily smart when he wanted to be I was pretty impressed. Why he wasted it was beyond me but It was his decision.

 It was late Sunday that I had finally decided to go home in all honesty except for eating and homework I really hadn’t gotten out of bed all weekend. It still shocks me when I think how much my

priorities changed and how fast they did.

 When I got in the house I did it quietly to avoid a confrontation with my parents. I soon found that it wasn’t necessary when I went to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge door.

 ‘work called your father on a business trip for the week I went with him, there is food in the fridge and money on the counter, no parties, love mom’ was all it said.

I don’t really know why but an excitement broke out inside me. When I was done reading the note, I don’t usually enjoy avoiding my problems but in this case I was glad to do it. I went to bed that night

slightly scared but happy, but at the same time I still felt like I was being watched and I really did think I was just being paranoid.

“it’s late Cassie we should get you some rest, you can finish tomorrow” detective Burrows interrupted me stopping the tape.

 I nodded as Nina guided me out of the room. It was the same routine as the past few days cover face, get in car, go to hotel,cover face, get into hotel, sleep simple really.

  at night I try my best to get a lot of sleep but the nightmares have become too much sometimes I just sit there and stare at the wall.

 Why didn’t I help him? Why did this have to happen? I was finally happy and then this, why is it so hard to just let go? The water that surrounds me is still trying to calm.

If this was fate as some may call it I don’t want it, they give you something so amazing then they rip it from your grasp just as fast as it came it’s gone and nothing hurts more than that. Most of the time I felt like a zombie there but dead.

my parents didn’t want anything to do with me my friends, well I had pushed the ones that cared away and the others are gone I’m just out of ideas of what to do any more. I can’t fall back into the cycle I was in before but what if I do? What happens then? Will this happen again? I drive myself insane with all these questions that run though my head constantly.

But as always at exactly six am Nina is at my door telling me to wake up so we can go back, back to the place I despise.

Going there was just like coming back cover face, go to car, drive there, cover face, interview this got old the day we started.

“alright Ms. Shantz I understand you left off one night before the incident” detective puppy dog spoke for once I looked around the room

“where’s Burrows?” I question noticing he wasn’t present

“he got called away on a family emergency” detective puppy dog stated blandly looking over Burrows’ notes.

“oh” I said looking down at the table he looked up

“he will look over the tapes before they get sent to court don’t worry” he could see that my biggest discomfort was not knowing the man in front of me

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