The Ripple Effect

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He placed the tape recorder gently on the table and pressed play “alright ms. Shantz tell us everything that happened don’t leave out any details” he stated I took in a deep breath ready to tell my story.

“okay here’s my story” I kept my breath steady trying to avoid the tears that were creeping into my eyes.

I moved to bradford about two months ago and that’s where I met him, where I met them. My family and I were unpacking our car from the journey we had just been on.

I had lived in spain since I was seven I loved it there and I wasn’t happy about moving to england but my dad got a job transfer to there  so I was stuck leaving my friends, school and everything I knew behind. My parents gave the typical were moving lecture ‘it will be fun, you’ll meet lots of new people, everyone will love you there, new experiences are always good’ the same thing every unsuspecting teen gets.

Any way I was setting up my room when I looked out the window right across the street was this house it was the same as all the rest on the street but I don’t really know I was drawn to it.

Now It could have been the shirtless boy that stood in front of the window directly across my room, I remember his tanned skin his dark perfected hair and how his abs looked and this was from a distance I was already impressed.

I guess you could call this moment the drop of water, he looked out his window to see me staring our eyes connected his a dark brown mine electric blue he smirked he seemed content with my interest in him.

He always did that when he was deviously please with something he would part his lips slightly and smile ever so lightly just enough so you could see the tips of his teeth nothing more.

He closed the curtains blocking my view but for some reason I knew that this wouldn’t be the last time I would see him. I went to bed that night actually looking forward to the coming months and maybe even years. That was probably my biggest mistake.

The memories were flashing back in parts I didn’t want to cry I really didn’t but tears started falling from my eyes as I told them what happened.

the next morning was nothing special it was a first day of a new school nervous stomach, sweaty palms, head rushing with confusion as I tried to find where I was supposed to go. I was so caught up in the crowd and the rush I managed to bump into the one person I wish I hadn’t his brown eyes looked into mine as he laughed

“lost?” all I could do was nod his jawline was chiseled and his skin was the perfect shade to match his eyes, his lashes were long and plump, and his lips were pouty and full in short he was breath taking.

I nodded in response “what are you looking for?” his smirk was amused

“english” I could feel my cheek filling with blood

“I’m going there how about I take you?” I followed him to the class room “well bye” he said walking over to his friends they began to stare at me his amused smirk never left his face as I took the only empty seat near a small girl.

She smiled at me welcoming “hey I’m Annabelle”

“not many new kids around here are there?” she smiled her sweet smile and shook her head back and forth I laughed slightly

“I’m Cassie” I smiled glancing back at the boy he was looking at me his curly headed friend whispering something into his ear causing him to laugh slightly barley enough to notice but it was there.

“seems he’s taken a liking to you, that doesn’t happen a lot” Annabelle stated shading in parts of the paper in front of her

“who is he?” I questioned this is probably where the ripples started where everything truly began unraveling.

“that’s Zayn Malik resident bad boy him and his friends that’s Harry,Louis,Liam an Niall” she said pointing each one of them out subtly. “they are big into parties and the other things that come along with it Zayn basically runs them and the school, the teachers even bow down to him it’s all ridiculous” I knew what she was warning me of but I was drawn to Zayn I don’t understand why and I don’t think I ever will, some may call it fate, destiny whatever you please but I don’t think that is it there was just something unexplainable.

“he doesn’t seem that bad, he lives across the street from me so I guess I’ll find out then” that was the last thing said on that conversations because the teacher began class and I didn’t want to get into trouble on my first day that was a lot even for me.

My lawyer placed a supportive hand on my shoulder “if you need to take a break Cassie you can we just want the story there is no rush, take your time” I sniffled still holding back tears and nodded

“can I go to the bathroom?” I looked up at the detectives in front of me they nodded and one walked over to the door opening it for me “thank you” I said my head down.

I slowly walked through the precinct and towards the bathroom I pushed the door open standing over the sink and running cold water and splashing it on my face. The cool refreshing water woke me up and cooled my warm skin. I gripped the edges of the sink tightly.

I looked up the the mirror the water dripping down my face and into the white sink. My reflection wasn’t the same as it was two months ago my skin was pale, purple bags had formed under my tired eyes, my blonde hair had lost most of it’s life and I had lost a considerable amount of weight none of my clothes fit me any more they hung loosely around my torso and shoulders and my pants needed a tight belt in order to stay up.

I sighed this was entirely my fault I brought it on my self, I got close , I lost control, I couldn’t save him. Oh god I couldn’t save him I tried so hard and I just couldn’t save him.

It was hopeless I didn’t know if I actually wanted to tell them what happened it would just lead to me in trouble I knew I would have to leave this place. I looked at my refection once more wiping the water off of my face just as I did there was a knock at the door. 

The Ripple Effect (One Direction)-Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now