chapter 2

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“Cassie you okay?” my lawyer came in walking over to the mirror and fixing my hair for me. Usually these kind of lawyer client interactions would be inappropriate but she was like my second mom I had known her most my life she had was my moms best friend.

We had flown her in from Spain since my parents had major trust issues when It came to these kind of things.

“yeah fine it’s just a lot”

“I know sweetie just bare with it once you have the whole truth out there you will feel better than you have in months” she smiled I nodded following her out of the bathroom and back into the interrogation room.

 “you ready to start again Ms. Shantz” detective Burrows asked I nodded “alright start where you left off” he said pressing play on the tape once again.

Okay well the day went by pretty slowly lunch was when things really started to happen I sat down with Annabelle and her friends having still not met anyone.

I got quizzed on who I was, where I was from the whole thing I had never been on that side of the interrogation its awful and I wanted to avoid it forever, guess that didn’t happen.

Any way it didn’t take long for Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry and Louis to come over to the picnic table we were at “hey babe” Zayn started sitting down his back against the table his gaze on me completely

ignoring Annabelle and the others I tried my best to avoid his eyes knowing I would fall into his trap something I was hoping to avoid.

“what are you doing later?” he asked his voice low and convincing

“don’t know why do you ask?” I countered I tried to be strong so I looked at him directly in the eye challenging him. This is where Harry stepped in his voice was always cocky and sly he never seemed genuine

“we were wondering if maybe you wanted to join us for a little party tonight” he smirked the rest of the boys joined in.

I looked at them they were all intimidating and I wasn’t sure what would happen if I said no and I didn’t want to find out so I went for the avoid the topic route

“I’ll see if I can make it” I said turning to eat the fries off of Annabelles tray. Zayn put his mouth to my ear his breath was warm “you know where I live” I could feel his smirk as he got up and walked back

into the school the boys quickly turned to follow.

 I let out a big sigh as soon as they were gone “wow” one of Annabelles friends Eliza I think her name is said. I shrugged trying to avoid what I knew was a big deal

“you’ve really captured his attention no one does that” Elizas twin um Elyane I think stated

“he’s my neighbor probably just being friendly” I tried

“Zayn and his friends don’t do friendly” Eliza added in

 “exactly” Annabelle finally spoke “you’re not actually thinking of going are you?” she asked

“I don’t know maybe” I hesitated

“Cassie don’t” she warned “they are nothing but trouble”  I ignored her warning I have no idea why I just did Zayn was just to captivating I really wish I had listened to her now.

 I took in deep breaths trying to calm myself before continuing

classes went by slowly until I went to science there was only one person in the class without a lab partner and just my luck it was Liam Payne sure he’s the nicest of the group but he is still just as intimidating if not more seeing as he is the most built.

 While I did the assignment he sat back just watching me as I worked he licked his lips several times before talking to me

“so are you coming tonight?” he questioned in a low tone I shrugged

“I can see your not much of a talker, I like it” he said stepping close to me his chest on my shoulder as I worked I sucked in a deep breath unsure of how I should react “you’ll have fun” he whispered low

into my ear

“maybe if I can” I said avoiding his eyes I looked up the teacher was glancing right at us and yet did nothing at my old school of something like this happened it would have been a weeks detention.

 Annabelle was right they ran that place and this worried me even more. “lets just say that this will guarantee you a comfortable life here” he emphasized the word ‘comfortable’ making it feel like more of a threat than a guarantee.

I turned to look at him I have always been the type to try not to let people walk over me and I wasn’t about to start now “maybe” I said slowly hoping that maybe he was just slow and he might catch on but this response caused a sly smirk to float across his lips he seemed satisfied with my answer he seemed to know what I would do before I did.

The rest of class he spent observing me closely as I did what was supposed to be our work.

When I got home my parents drilled me on everything that happened and I told them I had always been close with them but in this case I left out a few what I thought at the time were minor details. And when I was done telling them they seemed to be satisfied so I asked them

“mom can I go to a party?”

 “go ask your father” I slowly walked over to my dad

“daddy can I go to a party tonight?” I questioned playing the innocent little girl act that always seemed to make fathers melt in every situation.

“sure sweetie but be back by one, if not just text me” my parents have always been lenient when it came to parenting they have always trusted me fully I guess that was their biggest mistake.

Now at this point I wasn’t even sure if I was going to the party but I wanted the permission just incase. I remember Annabelle texting me

hey have you decided to go yet? Xx

I think I might, not sure though

just be careful, want me to come? Xx

that would be great! If you don’t mind

Not at all just send me your address I can be over in ten Xx

I was grateful for her putting up with them for me. I got ready quickly curled my hair threw on makeup and a skin tight black dress that fell mid thigh and I put on hot pink pumps to tie everything together. I know it sounds like a weird combination but it looks great on.

Any ways when Annabelle arrived we were both feeling hot and ready to go have some fun. I have no idea why my parents had me start school on a Friday but I think that helped contribute to all of this and as far as Annabelles parents knew she was staying at my house for the night.

I think you could call this party the first ring.

The Ripple Effect (One Direction)-Zayn MalikKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat