chapter 5

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I took in a deep breath I hated every minute of this it was pure agonycbut I know the sooner I spill everything the faster this will go.

When I got home that night my dad was waiting up for me lucky I made sure to bring perfume to cover up the smells I knew would come along with that night. “your late” he said his tone was slow and different from what I had heard before

“sorry I had to wait for Zayn he managed to get lost” I lied

“that’s no excuses you should have called” the vein in his neck was beginning to pop out

“I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking” I began to fight back

“I don’t care if you weren’t thinking you know better, get your ass up to your room” he snarled avoiding yelling he didn’t want to wake my mother.

“whatever” I stomped upstairs.  That was the start of all of mine and my parents fights. We haven’t gotten long since we came to town.

On Monday when I sat down in English Annabelle immediately started quizzing me “what did you do all weekend?”

“nothing really Saturday night I was with Zayn and the boys but other than that I spent it in my room avoiding my parents, how about you?” I asked her trying to avoid the glare I could feel her giving me

“Cassie you really need to stay away, things go wrong so fast with them”  she sighed

“I don’t know maybe they wont”  I defended them

 “but it always does” she turned to me “look I get it you’re new you want to fit in have an easy life here but them”  she nodded towards them I looked aver they were whispering amongst themselves all looking smug as the teacher tried to start the lesson “they’re not the way they won’t help you, please stay away”

her warnings were the same as before and I did the same I waved them off I just assumed she had got rejected by them or maybe one of them was an ex I don’t know.

“I think you need to give them more credit they’re really nice you just need to get to know them” I tried convincing her

“I don’t think that’s the case their playing you he’s going to sleep with you then leave”

 “you don’t know that besides I’m not going to sleep with him”

 “you don’t know that” she mocked me slightly but her eyes were so concerned for me.

“I guess we’ll just see” I said turning to focus on the teacher who looked slightly annoyed by me and Annabelle as well as the boys.

The next week went by basically the same I’d go to school then go to Zayns until about ten when I would go home. Nothing truly went on but my grades were slipping and I barely spent two nights a week sober so in all honesty not much of it is remembered.

Annabelle and I were talking less and less I ate lunch with her until about the Wednesday when I just decided it wasn’t worth the trouble of being harassed about how they weren’t good for me to be around. Besides I was completely comfortable around the guys well all except Harry who seemed to hate me for reasons I was still unaware of at the time.

That Saturday Zayn decided to have another party I just figured for him this was a weekly thing with his parents not being around.

This time I would be going alone so I put on my hottest dress and heels making myself look as good as I could before heading over.

It was the same scene but different girls were latched around the boys and Harrys hateful eyes pierced through my skull. I chugged the alcohol In my hand to calm myself from his glare I couldn’t at the time figure why he hated me so there was what I thought was no reason for it.

By this time I had more alcohol tolerance so it took more for me to find that comfort I took my spot beside Zayn and stole his drink chugging it as well. “thirsty?” he teased

“shhh” I nudged him playfully at this Harry had to put in his thoughts

“so you two going to take the bedroom or can i?” he asked a stupid smirk plastered on his face Zayn looked at him

“that’s my room mate so well take it”

 “come on Zayn please can we have it we’ll only be a few minutes” he begged trying to get a reaction out of Zayn, but instead it caused me to laugh Harrys eyes poured onto me “what’s your problem” he snarled

 “a few minutes is that all it takes?” I questioned him not really thinking much on it Zayn laughed along with me.

 Harrys eyes narrowed “fuck you”

Zayn put a protective arm around me “she didn’t do anything to you, how about you lay off of it” Zayn challenged Harry

“you would defend that slag” Harry defended himself the tensions in the room were high the boys all looked up to see what was happening I saw a drink on the table and drank it hoping to cut through my knowing of the tension.

 “don’t talk about her like that you twat she has done nothing to you”

“don’t call me a twat, it’s your fault you picked such a stupid bitch as your girlfriend” the room was spinning

“Zayn stop leave him he’s not worth it” I tried to say but my words got slurred and hushed

“that’s your problem right, that it’s my girlfriend isn’t it” Zayn yelled back

“Zayn” I tried once more this time he looked down at me his face softened immediately

“shit come on let’s get you up stairs”  he reached for my arm and helped me up as we walked away.

Harry yelled  “bit of a light weight might want to work on that”

I still have no idea what exactly that was supposed to mean but at that time I really didn’t care getting up the stairs was hard enough.

 Zayn guided me to his room and placed me gently on the bed “to much love?” he asked pushing my hair out of my face

“a little and you two fighting was just getting stupid”  I smiled leaning against the head board he sat down beside me I turned to look at him

“what did you mean he wasn’t mad that I was your girlfriend he was mad about the girlfriend thing in general” I asked him

 “he always gets touchy when I have a girlfriend” he said he wouldn’t look at me I knew he was lying but I wanted to believe him I wanted him to be telling me the truth.

“oh so basically you have a protective boyfriend” I teased he laughed a nervous laugh

“yeah I guess that’s sort of what he is” I smiled looking at him again

“and when did I become your girlfriend?” i asked changing the subject i could feel his lack of comfort on the topic of Harry and i didn't want to push him away not now.

 “don’t know I guess now” he shrugged

“works for me” I smiled climbing on top of him and kissing his neck I knew where he liked it and I teased him gently I could feel him smile as I kissed up his jaw line and found my way to his lips.  I moved my bum down closer to his knees and started working on his belt buckle.

I looked up at the two detective in front of me the looked unfazed

well the rest is pretty self explanatory.

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