"Is she okay? I mean, she's upset, but..."

Lauren shook her head and bounced her shoulders in her ignorance. "All she said is she's fucked something up."

Camila's mind began to race and all she could think of was something to do with Kim. She nodded. "Yeah. Have her come over. We can finish up with this before she gets here."

"Okay." Lauren kissed her cheek and ran back to the kitchen.

Her concerns for their friend overrode any thought of finishing the planning right now. Apparently tough, she had also just found the best motivation for Lauren to actually provide input into the selection. The raven haired was studying every picture, giving her thoughts on each, trying to find the right one quicker than before. Camila couldn't really figure it out. Maybe it was the deadline they were working to that had her blood pumping.

As Camila rode the elevator down, seeing the florist and Clara out, Adrianne pulled up. The brunette could see she was upset. She wasn't crying or even looked like she was going to start, but appeared to be lost in some serious thoughts. "Are you okay?"

The apprentice nodded her head as she entered the elevator but didn't say anything until they arrived on their floor. "You may want to text Kim. I don't know if she'll talk, but she would probably like to hear from you."

Camila nodded her head and moved to her phone when the pair exited the elevator. She watched as Lauren walked to her friend in concern. "What happened? What's wrong?"

Adrianne didn't meet her eyes. "I think I just fucked everything up with Kim." Camila didn't need anymore information before she sent Kim a text seeing what was going on from her end.

"What do you mean? How? I thought you two were doing great." Lauren rattled off as the two moved to sit at the dinning area table. "You wouldn't have done anything to screw that up."

"I know. I didn't think I was, but I might have."

"How though?" The raven haired pushed, needing that information.

"I told her I loved her."

Lauren's eyebrows went toward her hair line. "Oh..."

Adrianne nodded, having nothing else to do. "Yeah... she didn't say anything back. In fact, she ran out of the room." While Adrianne continued to nod her head as not to cry, Lauren shook hers in confusion. Kim loved Adrianne. She may not have said it but even Lauren knew it. "When I went to check on her, she said it was best if I was to leave. That's when I called you... and then Camila when you wouldn't answer."

Both Adrianne and Lauren looked over as Camila stood up and grabbed her purse and keys, waving her phone in the air. The raven haired nodded and watched Camila leave to go talk with Kim in person.

"She loves you." Lauren assured her. "I know she does. How or what made you tell her that caused that reaction to come from her?"

The apprentice shrugged. "We were holding each other after having sex and I just told her. She tensed instantly. Oh, I fucked up." Adrianne groaned as she covered her face with her hands, resting her elbows on the table. "Why did I say it?"

"Because you meant it."

"I know, but it was too soon."

"You've been dating for three months, seeing each other every day at work, and you are practically live together already. You two are like inseparable love struck puppies. How is this too soon?"

Adrianne shook her head. "There's more to it than that. It's complicated."

"Emotions are, especially love, but what makes this so complicated?"

Beautiful When You Don't Try (Camren)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu