Lauren pressed her lips to Camila's forehead and left them there for several minutes, hoping the brunette would realize that she wanted this. She was just getting anxious. Nerves were playing a minor role as well. She wasn't just marrying Camila, but her lifestyle as well. She had never had a problem 'sharing' the brunette with her fans, but it was still a little odd to hear about people threatening her with bodily harm if she was to ever hurt the brunette. Those specific comments tripled when news of their engagement came out. They were happy that Camila was happy, but didn't trust Lauren. Suddenly, she was the enemy and was beginning to feel like she was having to prove herself over and over again for Camila's sake. Lauren would, there was no doubt about it. But it was becoming emotionally exhausting to constantly feel like she wasn't good enough for the woman of her dreams.

"I love you." She whispered over the distant rumblings of the neighborhood.

Camila pulled even closer. "I love you too."

"I'm sorry I left earlier."

"It's okay. You came back when I asked you to. That means a lot to me." Camila explained as Lauren kissed her forehead again. "And it's also kind of nice to know you aren't perfect."

Lauren laughed loudly. "I've always told you I wasn't and that if you didn't believe me to just ask Adrianne."

"Well, regardless of how many flaws you have, I wasn't seeing any of them. Therefore in my eyes, you were frustratingly perfect. Do you know how exhausting it is to try and keep up with perfection?"

"Do you know how exhausting it is to try and maintain this false sense of perfection, knowing that one day you will discover one of my many, many flaws and will have that dream ripped to shreds."

Camila paused and pulled back to look at Lauren's face. "Well, now who is the dramatic one of this relationship?"

"I know, right!" Lauren exclaimed with a broad smile on her face. "It is so weird. It's like I'm feeding off of your overactive imagination when it comes to anything and everything that could possibly go wrong."

"I'm not that bad." Camila argued softly in her defense and Lauren leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"No, you're not."

"Thank you. So...are you ready to go back in?"

There was a short pause as Lauren took in one more exaggerated breath of fresh air and nodded her head. "My batteries have been recharged a little. I think I can handle another half hour of flowers or ten pages of pictures, whatever comes first. Then I'll need more cuddle time."

Camila would have frowned at the fact she felt like she was having to force Lauren to do this, but her reaction was cut off as Lauren quickly wrapped her arms around her waist and twirled her in a circle, playfully acting like she was eating Camila's neck. After a few spins the raven haired set her down and captured her lips in hers, holding her there for a few seconds before breaking apart and heading back down stairs.

"Hey, Camila." Clara called out as she stood up and walked to meet the couple. "Your phone kept going off. It buzzed about ten different times while you were up stairs."

The brunette dropped her brow in confusion and concern as she took the phone from Clara. Her eyes widened slightly in shock. "It was Adrianne. Oh. You're phone must still be off." She reminded Lauren who nodded and pulled it from her pocket. "You should call her. She sent me a text that she's sorry for interrupting but she really needs to talk to you."

Lauren dropped her brow to match Camila's concerned look and leaned against the kitchen counter as she dialed Adrianne's number. "Go talk with the florist. I'll be right there when I'm done. I promise." Camila smiled lightly and kissed Lauren before she and Clara hesitantly walked back to the sofa, glancing occasionally back to Lauren. "Hey. Sorry I had my phone off. What's going on?... um..." Lauren paused and looked at Camila. "Tell me what's going on... Oh... Hold on a minute." Lauren set the phone down on the counter and ran over to Camila, bending over to whisper in her ear. "She's upset about something and says she needs to come over."

Beautiful When You Don't Try (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now