Chp. 19

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Hecate's Pov

Klaus sped us back to the mansion. I was excited yet nervous to get my memories back.

"Hello Hecate." I heard Elijah's voice startling me.

"Oh hi Elijah." I said, walking past him Klaus guided me to my old room which I assumed had everything I needed to get my memories back.

"So what first?" Klaus asked. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure, where do I keep my grimore?" I asked.

"I don't know you always hid that stuff from me." He said. Dammit Hecate.

"Ok if I'm hiding it from you, where would I put something." I said to myself. I let my instincts take over and I found myself going over to a old box. I picked it up and set it on my bed opening it. It had purple flowers and a syringe and my grimore. I picked up the syringe and gasped.


"Not yet, but I know what I want.. for payment." I said. Stefan looked at him confused.

"Payment?" He asked confused. Damon looked away from Stefan.

"I'm sorry? Did you think I was doing this out of the kindness is my heart? I was promised payment." I said.

"Damon! You don't know what she could want! Maybe she wants your ring or-" I cut him off preventing him from speaking,

"What is it you want?" He asked.

"Two viles of Klaus's blood. One to use in a potential killing strategy, one for personal reasons." I said. He thought about it. Stefan was trying to communicate with Damon to prevent him from saying yes.

"Deal." He said. I smiled in victory. I let Stefan speak again.

"Excellent. Now, as you've been doing research. I have a theory. I'll need his blood in order for it to work. Klaus's blood is linked to the spell that first created vampires, I... with my dark magic.. can unlink it. Making him no longer a vampire." I explained to the two. Stefan looked at me skeptical but nodded.

End of Flashback

I looked at Klaus. He looked at me in concern.

"Are you okay love? Did you have another flashback?"

I really was an awful person. I didn't know if I wanted my memories back.

"Ya I just got a flashback I wanted this in return for killing you." I told him, he nodded.

"But you didn't hurt me, that's what matters." He said touching my hand. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Ok so I have the grimore. Now... I don't know what kind of spell it was. I don't know what I'm doing." I said freaking out. Klaus tried calming me.

"It's okay Hec-"

"No it's not Klaus! I was an awful person! I wanted to hurt you and I kill people for fun! Why would I want that back?" I asked him.

"Those things you did, you did them because you were protecting me and my family. You had a reason for everything you've done and you need your memories to understand. You have only seen the bad but once you get them all back you'll see the good." He explained to me, calming me down. I nodded.

"Thank you Klaus." I said. I pushed my hair out of my face and got started. I looked up a few memory spells and decided the strongest one I had required the use of dark magic.

"I found one." I said, Klaus and I had been looking for hours.

"Good, what do you need?" He asked.

"Here's my list-"


"You know princess, I could help with this spell of yours, I used to be a witch you know." Kol said smirking. As much as I didn't want to work with Kol, I cared about Klaus to much.

"Fine I'll need these things." I said handing him a list.

"Eye of Newt?" He asked. I nodded.

"You wanted to help." He sped away. Klaus walked back in with a jacket. He looked like he was going to leave.

"All this trouble for me?" He teased.

"Klaus we maybe angry at you but you're still family. If you are going to be killed I'll be damned if sit on the side and watch." Rebekah said. Elijah agreed with her. Klaus rolled his eyes. It irritated me that he was being an ass about being protected.

Kol came back with everything I needed.

"Thank you." I said. I put some ingredients in a bowl.

End of Flashback

I gasped and sat back up. Klaus looked at me concerned.

"Kol will know where these things are." I said. Klaus nodded.

"Another flashback?" He asked. I nodded.

"I was looking for a spell to see into the brothers plans. A spell to protect you." I said. He nodded.

"I remember that. You got stabbed by jumping in front of a white oak stake." He said looking down.

"There is no need for you to feel guilty. Klaus I did that because I love you. I'll be damned if I sit back and watch you die. I won't do it." I said cupping his cheeks making him look at me. I leaned forward and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync.
I pulled away and gave him a small smile.

"I'll take this to Kol. He'll get the ingredients." Klaus said. I nodded and watched him leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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