Chp. 17

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Hecate's Pov

When Damon came back that afternoon I didn't know what to do. He had been so nice, how could my past self think he was bad. I didn't know who or what to believe. Would I lie to myself? I don't think I would. Does Stefan not even have feelings for me? I had grown attached to him.

I heard some chatting outside and moved to the door to listen.

"Come on Damon, she's different now." Stefan said. My eyes widened.

"Stefan, once we let her go after Klaus he will just turn her back to the person she used to be and come after us again. I'm not gonna let us almost die again." Damon said. I tried to kill them?

"But she is different! She actually likes me Damon, she is the first girl I've felt like this towards since Elena." Stefan said. I ran back to the bed not wanting to listen anymore. But now I knew something was going on and I definitely wasn't here by choice. I needed to find this Klaus to figure out what was going on. But I didn't want to leave Stefan.

The two of them walked through the door and I acted like I heard nothing.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked them. Stefan sat next to me and gave me a small smile.

"Well Stefan and I are gonna go find Klaus and then you can wipe him from the face of the earth." Damon said. My smile faltered a bit. My untimely demise would be soon.

"Ok we'll go, I need to get my memories back so finish planning and bring me a burger." I said shoving them out the door.

I needed to get out of here. I knew Damon was going to kill me if I killed Klaus. Maybe I could teleport...


Maybe I could levitate? Nah people would see. Teleport? That makes my insides feel weird. What about speed?

My thoughts were interrupted by Klaus, who appeared from nowhere, making me slam into him. I looked up at him extremely confused.

"Klaus? What the hell?" I asked. He looked nervous and out of breath.

"Hecate..." he said, I waited for more but he just stood there staring.

"I'm gonna need more than that.." I said to him. He laughed nervously.

"You can't leave, I won't let you." He said. I was shocked.

"W-What?" I asked. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I... I need you to stay." He said. My heart stopped for a second.

"For what?" I whispered.

"For me... I like you Hecate." He said. To me. I felt the edges of my mouth turn upwards.

End of Flashback

I gasped and my eyes widened in shock. Was that Klaus? He was gorgeous and he liked me. It seemed as if I liked him too. Maybe he wasn't so bad then if I liked him. But what about Stefan? Was our relationship even real then? It seemed as if my feelings for Stefan diminished. He lied to me. Him, Damon, and Bonnie. I decided on teleportation. I tried to think of where I was that night. Maybe I could find Klaus. Maybe he can help me.

"Ok Hecate, you can do this. If you get back to Klaus, he can help you." I said to myself.

"invehere in me, ut ego animadverto invehere in me, ut ego animadverto." I said and I could feel my insides move around and I suddenly felt myself moving. I then stopped. I stumbled but found myself in a town. I looked around and saw a Mystic Grill. Maybe Klaus would be in there. I quickly went inside to look.

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