Chp. 5

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Hecate's Pov

I finally gained my confidence back and pushed him back gently.

"Goodbye Klaus," I said smirking. I turned and left the mansion slightly shook. Yes I said shook. Now all I had to do was prepared the spell I didn't want to do.

Because I did like Klaus Mikaelson. There I said it. All the hesitant moments and happiness I felt when he was around led me to believe I did have feelings for the Brit.

When I got back to the boarding house I heard yelling.

"She what!" I heard Elena's voice loudly.

"Calm down babe-" Damon tried to calm her.

"No! I'm going to talk to that witch Bitch-" I raised my eyebrows. Good one.

"Then let's hear it." I interrupted her. Damon looked at me nervously. He didn't want his girlfriend hurt.

"Go on, give this witch bitch a piece of your mind. I'm waiting." I said. She glared at me. She sped towards me vampire speed but I stopped here with my magic.

"Now if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I have a spell to prepare to get rid of your problem. If you want me to kill Klaus I suggest you show me some respect. I will not be talked down to by someone who needed to pay someone else to clean up their messes." I said calmly and threatening. I let Elena go. She stumbled and looked at me.

"Don't ever hurt my boyfriend again or I'll-"

"You'll what? Kill me? You even try anything, I'll let little brother Jeremy join your parents." I said to here. Finally the fear on her face I was looking for.

"Fine, just do the spell, then we are finished." Damon said. I nodded at him and went up to my room. I grabbed one of the syringes and put it in the middle of my bed. I prepared to do the spell when, I couldn't get the words for the spell to come out of my mouth. I couldn't find it within me to kill Klaus. It frustrated me.

"Ugh!" I yelled and slapped the sides of my bed. Come on Hecate. I calmed my self and tried again.

"Her-" I stopped. No, I wouldn't do this. I couldn't. I'll just fake it. That would be easiest. I picked up the syringe and put a paralyzing spell on it. The most it would do to Klaus is make it to where he couldn't move. I went back downstairs and saw Stefan.

"Stefan." I called out. He looked up.

"Here, stick this in Klaus, once the blood enters his body it will act as werewolf venom on steroids, it will kill him." I lied smoothly. He nodded.

"Thank you Hecate, for helping us, I know most of them kind of-"

"Hate me?" I asked smiling. He chuckled.

"Ya, but you're helping us anyway, that makes you good." He said. I laughed.

"I'm glad you think so. Have fun with killing Klaus. I'm out of here, maybe we will see each other in the future." I said to him. He nodded smiling and left the room. I went back up stairs and magically packed my bag.

One last drink at the grill I said to myself. I carried the suitcase (Think Newt Scammanders suitcase.) and headed to the grill. I found myself feeling I would miss this place. Or maybe it was just Klaus I would miss.

When I got to the grill I went up to the bar and ordered another whiskey.

"One last whiskey please. I said. The same bartender with bright blue eyes nodded.

"Leaving town?" He asked. I nodded.

"Small towns aren't really my thing." I said smirking. He laughed.

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