Chp. 11

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Hecate's Pov

"So, I hear you deal with witchcraft." This time it was an older man with bodyguards.

"Obviously." I said bored already. The older man looked at me.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes.

"No and I don't particularly care. Just tell me what you want and why your here." I said to him. He smirked.

"I need the blood of a certain original. Klaus Mikaelson. I know you've acquired some." I glared up at the man. I used my magic and snapped is body guards necks. I stood up.

"I never want to hear that name again. I don't have what you want. The rumor is a lie. Now leave or you'll be in the floor." I told him. He looked at his body guards then at me. He sighed.

"I really didn't want to have to do this." He said and stuck me in the neck with something. I felt it burn me. I groaned and fell to the floor.

"Now tell me where the blood is and the pain will stop." I glared up at the Man. But before I knew it the man was dead and Elijah was staring down at me. I pulled the needle out of my neck and the pain dulled.

"Hecate, good to see you." He said.

"It's been two months Elijah, what do you want?" I asked him getting up.

"It's Klaus." He said. I laughed.

"Man, if I hear that name one more time Im going to rip my own heart out." I said.

"That man is dead to me Elijah. He cheated on me, lied to me. He used me." I said to him hate striking every word.

"Caroline is dead Hecate. He killed her as soon as you left. He told me that you were the only thing he needed. But he was to late." Elijah said. I felt myself want to cry.

"No! I don't care if he's in his room desiccating! I am happy. My world doesn't need Niklaus Mikaelson." I said bitter. Elijah sighed.

"Please Hecate. You may hate Klaus, but what about the rest of us? Me, Rebekah, Kol?" He asked. I chuckled.

"You don't get it do you. You don't know anything about me. I've lived without family my entire life. I can continue to do it until I die and if I can do that then so can you. You have your siblings. Cry to them." I said kicking one of the bodies.

"But I know you don't want to be alone. You and Klaus. What you two had was amazingly beautiful. I fear Klaus will never be happy again." He said. I felt bad but I kept up my harsh front.

"Good. Tell Rebekah I said hi when you get back." I said turning around. I heard Elijah sigh sadly.

"I'm sorry Hecate, but I can't see my brother spiral down like this." He said. The next thing I knew there was a cloth on my mouth and I struggled to breath. I hit Elijah but his grip was tight. Soon I found myself slipping into unconsciousness.

When I woke up I was back in my old room. I sat up and rubbed my temples. My headache was killing me. I looked up and saw the painting of Klaus and I. I got up and took it down. I debated on throwing it out the window but decided against it. I'm not that dramatic.

I heard talking downstairs and I did not want to see Klaus. I just threw the painting on the ground and went back to my bed. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Fuck off." I said. But the door opened anyway.

"Hecate I'm sorry it came down to-"

"You fucking drugged me Elijah. Take me home now." I interrupted him. He noticed the painting on the floor.

The Witching Hour//TVD// Klaus Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now