Chapter Two: Heaven

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Michael looked around surprised how he had forgotten the way heaven had looked. Being surrounded by bars and hell for the better part of seven years made him wonder how he took this for granite. The bright white walls stung his eyes, and caused him to wonder why they couldn't stick with a more full color.

A hand patted his back and Michael glanced over to see his father.
"It's ok my son, all will be reveled," He said before walking past the Archangel. Michael hesitated for a moment before following "Chuck" into the depths of heaven uncertain of what it had become.

Chuck walked into where he used to stay, which had been turned into a conference table.
"KIDS! I'm home!" He called out loudly.

Moments later angels began to migrate towards Chuck, all in awe that he was back. Once all the angels were in the room they were caught off guard by Chuck sighing deeply.

"I am very disappointed in all of you,"Chuck exclaimed looking around the room, "The only Angel that tried to stop Lucifer, and his scheme was Castiel! The angel that isn't even allowed in heaven! The angel that was so blind! But the only one that even attempted to do what was right!"

"Father-" one angel tried to say but he was cut off by him raising his hand up.
"I don't want excuses, I want you to make it up to Stiles Winchester! Which by all your faces I guess you have no idea who he is?"

The angels all looked down confirming what Chuck had just said. He shook his head and looked around the room once more.
"You all think you're so much better than humans don't you? Just because you can flick things around with your mind and teleport places instantly? Well once you all lost your wings... you became worse then the humans. Two civil wars broke out! Brothers and sisters killing eachother! All of you have known eachother for thousands of years! Yet you fight like a bunch of four year olds! The only reason you think you're better than humans is because you are the ones that cast them into sin!"

"Father that was Lucifer!" An Angel cried out in despair.
"Yes it was.... and Lucifer is the one that has put this poor image of humans in your eyes! The one who keeps manipulating his way into avoiding his punishment! You angels let the apocalypse happen and let him out of the Cage!"

"We're sorry," a few exclaimed in shame.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves, but... I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourselves. Everyone! We're going to eliminate Lucifer."

"How!? Even with Michael back we all know that he's not back to full strength! And it takes to many of us to even match an archangels power! Especially Lucifer!"

Chuck smiled and snapped his fingers another figure appearing next to Michael.

"What? Where am I? Where's my martini!?" The man exclaimed turning around before meeting eyes with Chuck.

"Hello Gabriel," Chuck said.
"WHAT!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"You leave and after all this time you say Hello? No sorry, how've you been? I'm sorry for running away and leaving Heaven in despair?!" Gabriel exclaimed angrily

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"You leave and after all this time you say Hello? No sorry, how've you been? I'm sorry for running away and leaving Heaven in despair?!" Gabriel exclaimed angrily.
"You did the same thing," Michael reminded his brother.
Rolling his eyes Gabriel sent a look to Michael that clearly meant stfu.

"I would of left you in that resort in Mexico if I didn't need you," Chuck said placing his hand on Gabriel's shoulder, " I need you and Michael to capture Lucifer... and if you can't capture him kill him."
Gabriel's eyes widened and shook his head.
"I almost died last time I did that! Literally I was lucky I didn't die!" Gabriel exclaimed.
"You'll have me this time," Michael said.
" Last time you  got thrown into the cage by Sam Winchester, who I may remind you all is going to be dead soon along with all those werewolves! Can't we focus on that!?" Gabriel shot back.

Chuck sighed and shook his head.
"I'll take care of the Dark Angel," Chuck informed the angels.
"Please enlighten me dad, how the hell are you gong to do that?" Gabriel asked angrily.

"Because what Lucifer doesn't know that just like a fragment of the Nogitsune was left in Stiles, a price of Stiles lives in the Dark Angel. All I have to do is make that fragment heart sized."
"Which you'll do by?" Gabriel asked again.
Chuck looked down and sighed ashamed at what the cost would be.
"That I cannot tell you, but what I can tell you is that you're going to take these angels, and infiltrate hell. You'll kill every demon, while you two distract Lucifer so he can't keep an eye on the Dark Angel!" Chuck said.

Gabriel and Michael looked at eachother both knowing that this was bound to happen eventually. They all knew Lucifer was the favorite, but it came down to the lives of millions of people and all of the chaos his little minions started. It was time and neither Archangel was certain how this would end.

"So there's a fragment of Stiles left?" Michael asked confused. Chuck nodded but added, "Though neither of them know it. Stiles probably doesn't even have an idea that he's being controlled."


Stiles looked around uncertain of where he was exactly. It was dark, cold, and radiated power. Unable to tell where it was coming from he instinctively started to walk forwards, wondering where his mind was taking him.

As he was walking he felt like he was reliving some memory. But which one he could t recall,
But all he knew he had his metal baseball bat in hand, a little blood coming from a cut on his forehead and a his classic flannel shirt on. 

He seemingly walked through the forest for an hour or so before coming into a slight clearing. Where he immediately was stopped in his tracks. Infront  of him was the nematon, but that's not what he cared about. Standing on the Nematon was someone he thought was dead, and he was unsure of how the hell she ended up here.

"Hi Stiles," She said an evil smirk on her face. Raising an eyebrow, Stiles paled.
"Ms. Blake?"
She turned from her human looking form to
Her scratched up, pale horrifying real look.

"Oh God why can't anyone stay dead!" Stiles exclaimed in annoyance.

Hope you liked the chapter! Yay stuffs happening

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