Wayne was less than sure about the whole thing; he knew she needed it though, needed something and he was trying, so very hard... to let go of the past.

I guess he gets points for that.

Lucky was just getting dressed, back into the comfort of her ripped black jeans, a black cassette tape Nirvana t-shirt and just as she was lacing up her boots when the bedroom door creaked, her baby blues shot up to see it, that perfect snaggletooth smile "Hey babe."

Jake was leaning on the doorframe in the most arrogant pose you can imagine "my dad finds you in here he'll draw blood." Lucky just carried on lacing up her boots.

"Please your dad loves me." He chuckled lightly, pushing himself into the room and started poking around, clearly bored and just snooping when he sees the pin board on her wall. It was covered with magazine clothes clipping, photo's and sketches, Jake recognized some of the pictures, the sketches though are kind of vague, a swing set with dead vines, a toon style mocking of her dad, an intricate, detailed sketch of some bathroom, a snake smiling with shaded green eyes, a few half hearted a tempts at recreating the image of her mother, then he noticed a drawing in the far corner, almost completely covered by surrounding pieces of paper.

He carefully moved them to get a better look; it was a pair of eyes. So intricate and detailed you'd think they were going to jump out of the page, you didn't even need the rest of the features to know they were the eyes of someone smiling, but there was something else there, something intense and dark... the perfectly drawn brown eyes looked almost black, like they knew you "Fuck, you're getting really good."

Lucky's head shoots up to see what picture he's talking about and tries not to think about how she wants to snatch it away from him "yeah, practice you know."

Jake watches her, how her chestnut curls fall effortlessly around her face and smiles, taking a seat beside her on the bed, nudging her thigh with his own playfully. Jake leans in, pecking at her shoulder, staring at her face "want to show me how much you missed me?"

"Knock it off, my dad's down stairs." Lucky tried to shrug him off, but then she made the worst mistake, she looked at him.

His mismatched eyes were focused on wholly on her lips, plump and pink, nibbling lightly on his own at the memory of how soft they were, it was a thing she had always fallen for. So as his gaze finally tore from her lips he watched her eyes, smirking wickedly as a defiant smile broke out onto those pink lips of hers "you're such an asshole."

"Isn't that kind of why you love me?" at his playful tone an empty, guilty feeling echoed around in Lucky's chest as she leaned into finally meet his lips after so long apart.

"Hey, guys... Oh..." the door creaked fast and the Sam stood with a smirk rising to her cheeks, their lips had barely ghosted over each other as she came in, causing Jake to glare daggers at the blue haired girl.

"Sorry to interrupt but Sarah and your dad are about to leave and said they'd drop us at some place called Pop's?" Lucky just smiled as she pushed herself off the bed, perching over her vanity and brushing her lips with a fresh coat of blood red gloss.

"Let's go loser's" Lucky smiled, strutting out of the room with a swing of her hips. Sam lingered behind for a second, Jake glaring at the girl as she returned the stare with a fold of her arms. Jake didn't like the look she was giving him "what? Do I got a TV on my head or something?"

"Why did you come here, Jake? Not like you give a flying fuck about Lucky?" Jake all but flew off the bed, towering over the mocha skinned girl as he sneered "You don't know shit!"

"I know you..."

"Sure you do Sammy." He smirked cruelly, leaning his body into her, forcing Sam to back up and out of his way as the fake blonde boy chuckled past her.

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