Welcome Home

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Home is where the heart is that's what they say right?

For Lucky home had been skyscrapers and fast cars.

Apparently her and her dad had different ideas about that because one day he had come back to their cramped Chicago apartment from a long day at work and simply announced "we're moving back home..."

The night had turned into a screaming match with slamming doors and harsh words. It took three weeks to pack up their entire lives and then that was that. Three weeks wasn't long enough for Lucky, she had so much to do, her friends, her boyfriend... so naturally she was extremely pissed off about the whole situation.

So when they where stood outside a house that looked like every single other picture perfect house on the street except for the fact it was blue she wanted to scream.

"HEY!" She snapped, eyes squinting against the bright sun, as quick fingers ripped her sunglasses from her gloomy face and pulled a ear bud out so she could actually hear their voice.

Her dad is right there with a tight clenched jaw, the crisp grey-blue eyes he'd passed on to her looking firmly annoyed "Lucky, I know you're not happy about this but for the love of god stop with the moping for two seconds and help us."

She fixes him with a pointed glare. He's about to complain further until a flaxen haired woman in far too much pink calls for him from the porch "Wayne, Honey, come on I want to get this done so we can head to the store!"

He nods over to his wife with a smile before sighing "Fine, at least take your own things inside. You remember your way around right?"

The answer was no but he didn't stick around to hear it. And he'd taken her sunglasses. Damn it.

"Come on Luck, it's not so bad. New town, new people to isolate yourself from, you'll be fine." A toned muscular arm tried to round her shoulders, making Lucky cringed back and shoved the blonde boy away "don't fucking touch me!"

Adam laughed as she finally decided to help out just to avoid him.

Walking into the house was strange, like walking through a hazy memory. Lucky was six when they'd moved, not long after her mother died but Wayne hadn't the heart to actually sell the house. She barely remembered living there, barely remembered her own mother in all honesty. If it wasn't for the pictures of chestnut curls and plump rosy cheeks on porcelain skin that had been mirrored Lucky she would think her dad made Rose up just to appease her.

Out of some random room Sarah and her too bright smile appeared "Lucky, there you are. Have you seen your brother?"

"Your devil-spawn is still outside."

"Oh you..." she laughs with a shake of her head before running off to find her son.

Sarah and Wayne got married three years ago, and Lucky was happy for them, really she was. Lucky had always liked Sarah; her annoying brat son was another situation though.

Without much warning her feet stopped moving, the box in her hands seemed heavier and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She'd just stopped walking to stare at a wall with some ugly painting of a dog on it. Something about that bright creamy wall just didn't set right in her head, so much so a sharp shiver ran down her spine,

"Lucky..." her dads echoing voice pulled her from her trance "You ok honey?"

"Peachy, kind of lost." She shrugged it off; it was an old house after all.

Home Sweet Home - FP JonesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt