Part 2

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The first week seemed to vanish before Lucky could blink. It'd been filled with emptying box's and paint samples.

She hadn't seen much of her dad or Sarah, what between the house and getting the Bakery open she knew they were busy and that was fine with her.

It meant she could explore the town without them wanting to tag along or pushing for Adam to go with her. She wasn't sure what Adam was up to lately and in all honesty she didn't really care; they hadn't seen much of each other either, mostly because he was still pouting about getting screamed at.

Big baby.

But they still insisted that they have breakfast together, Sarah and Wayne both determined to spend actual family time despite their busy schedules. The kitchen smelled like pancakes that made Lucky's mouth water; that is until she saw the bottle of pills waiting beside her orange juice.

She sat down with a huff, running chipped black painted fingers though her chestnut curls "Morning Sweetie."

Sarah offered her a sympathetic smile from across the table as her dad gingerly sipped at his coffee, eyeing his daughter none to suitably "so you two have any plans for today?"

Oh right, Adam was there, texting under the table. The bulky blonde jumped slightly as Sarah kicked him from under the table "what oh um, I'm going to go the gym, get my membership set up. Maybe play some basketball. Luke up the street invited me so... yeah."

"Good, good, Lucky honey what about you?" her dad fixed her with a look, silently demanding her to play along.

So, dramatically she opened the bottle that had been all but shoved down her throat "well first I'm going to take these pretty little treats you left out for me..." she swallowed two pills with a large gulp of her orange juice, never taking her eyes from her father's "mmm yummy, then I'm going to be a good fucking girl, stop smoking, renounce sex, buy a big ass crucifix and join a convent. Happy?"

"Lucky..." he gave her a warning growl, Adam looking skittishly at his phone.

"What dad, not enough?" she fixed him with a glare, knowing they were about to start screaming at each other.

"Uniforms!" Sarah blurted out of nowhere, every head at the table staring at her in complete confusion.

"The new uniforms for the bakery, I picked them up last night... will you two try them on after breakfast?" the blonde woman gave the two minors a pleading glance, wanting to stunt the argument before it truly begun.

"You got it mom." Adam answered around a mouth full of pancakes.

"Sure Sarah..." Lucky sighed, deciding she was too tired to fight with her dad anyway. She hadn't been sleeping to well that last week; she just put it down to the whole new environment thing and totally ignored the flashes of blurred faces, hazy voices and screeching that kept tiptoeing into her dreams.

After Breakfast Lucky and Adam were stood in the living room, now glaring at Sarah who was clapping giddily "oh you two look just precious! Don't they Wayne."

"Yes, very." Her husband laughed.

Lucky and Adam shared a glance, both finally agreeing on something. They looked ridiculous "mom please, I can't wear this!"

"Because it's pink?" she asked, hands on hips.



Again the teens looked at each other, Lucky shocked that Adam was actually fine with the color "Mom it has a bowtie! You know who wears bowties? Nerds!"

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