Part 3

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So... after the whole waking up screaming thing Wayne had gone more than a little nuts and slipped firmly into overprotective dad mode.

After the second time, he made her an appointment.

Lucky, as you can imagine was less than pleased.

"I don't get why I have to go through this again..."

"Lucky we're just trying to figure out what could be causing these nightmares, this anxiety." Dr. Shaw was just watching the young brunette, shaking her leg up and down with a half smoked cigarette tight between her fingers.

With a long drag, Lucky laughed "yeah, right... no this is more shit for my dad to try and put me in a fucking box."

"Why would he want to do that?" the older woman tilted her head, every word out of her mouth making Lucky want to claw her fucking eyes out.

"Because he just... doesn't get me." she hadn't talked at all during the first few sessions apart from asking if she could smoke, then they started talking about the nightmares.

Honestly Lucky didn't really remember them, just vague coppery smell and a voice she couldn't place.

She hated it; she didn't want to talk to this fucking quack, but she wasn't stupid. Only God knew what her dad would do if she didn't 'get help'.

So she talked, barely.

Afterward, she met Adam outside, he'd sat in his car the entire hour on Wayne's orders after she'd been dropped off and didn't even go into the building during her first session.

As our rebellious brunette hopped into the car Adam ripped the half-smoked cigarette from between her lips "Hey!"

"No smoking in the car. So, how was it?" As he pulled out of the lock Adam looked his stepsister over, she had more makeup on than usual, probably trying to cover the bags under her eyes.

Lucky just scoffed bitterly, biting her nails "it's a fucking joke, I have a few bad dreams and dad sends me to some shrink!"

"Believe it or not but I'm with you on this one... ever since we moved here he's had this bug up his ass."

A small smirk came to Lucky's lips; it was cynical and cold with a click of her tongue "Yeah, he's always been that way; you're just finally getting the picture."

Adam watched his step-sister out of the corner of his eye; yeah Wayne had always been overprotective when it came to Lucky but Adam had always just put it down to her being his little girl. Isn't that what dads did?

Lately, though Adam had noticed how Wayne seemed worse than usual, pushier, more paranoid; maybe it was all because of everything that happened back in Chicago...

They got to the store within the hour and could already tell Sarah was losing her damn mind "Where have you been and where are your uniforms?"

The blonde middle-aged woman wearing a bright pink chief's uniform was seconds away from hyperventilating and while it was very amusing the two kids didn't want her to actually pass out. Adam squeezed his mother's shoulders reassuringly with a small smile "Mom relax, I just had to pick Lucky up from the doctor's remember and we have our uniforms."

Lucky emphasized this by holding up her backpack with a tightlipped smile.

"Right, yes, thank you; both of you. I'm sorry guys it just..."

"It's D-day, the big Kahoka, the birth of your love child. We know how much this means to you Sarah but seriously relax. Captain Protein and I have it covered on our end." At Lucky's words, Sarah let out a heavy sigh "what would I do without you two?"

Home Sweet Home - FP JonesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora