C h a p t e r 29: Familiar

Start from the beginning

What if I didn't close my eyes? What if I chose to cheat and followed her?

"What if I died instead of them...?" She whispered to herself.

No one can ever take their lives' weight from her shoulder.

"Miss Davids, you have a visitor." An officer standing in front of her cellular told her.

"Can I know what his name is?" 

"His ID showed that he's Drake Davids and that he said he's your brother."

Huh... Is Drake my brother now?

She just nodded to him and followed him.

She got into the room and sat on the chair, facing Drake, with a glass separating them.

He waved to her with a small smile. She picked the phone at the same time that he did.

"So you're a Davids now?" she laughed.

"I'm always a Davids Valencia, somehow." He winked at her and looked at the camera in the corner. She followed his gaze and nodded understanding what he meant.

"It's like you're meant to be in a small room, you always keep returning." He continued.

"Drake, my owned2L tattoo is not there in vain. Everything that came to me starts and ends there."

He watched her looks up, takes a deep breath and looks back at him.

"I'm really waiting for the day I can change it to disowned2Lies." She muttered under breath.

"Tell me Valencia, how are feeling about this?"

Drake was worried. He knows what Valencia was like.

She's like the most beautiful rose in the hands of blind evil. He can't see the beauty, so if he destroys it, he won't see what he's taking away. He removed the roots so she can never recreate her beauty. Then he started removing her leafs one by one, making her feel the pain of losing each one. Not only that but also he stood in front of a mirror to show her every step of making her lose her worth.

He made her forget that even with no roots or leafs, she can still be called a rose, and she's always the thing that was once a definition of beauty.

"We pass next to people daily, with a smile or a frown, and yet no one manages to notice that we're slowing missing our pieces in each step we walk. They see us break, they watch us fall but no one gives a hand for you to stand up. When they ask whether you're okay or not they only want to hear your story to feel better about themselves, to feel superior or maybe just to feed their curiosity. Sometimes people call you 'A person with trust issues'. They didn't know they're the ones who don't deserve to be trusted. They get close to you in order to make you feel safe around them, and once you'll be, they'll start pushing you to trust them, pressing your weak bottoms in order to archive their real objective which is not being your shoulder, but knowing what broke it. You know Drake that was a big part of my failure, and I've had those people in my life destroying everything I put some effort in. I know I have nowhere to hide forever, but being closed in here by myself for a short time is actually better than having to survive my problems and dealing with other things at the same time... so how am I feeling? I feel better than how I'm supposed to. I feel awfully good."


Zack kept watching the picture in his hands with an open mouth. His hands were shaking awfully and his eyes became bloodshot. 

Why does he look insanely familiar? Why does he have the same I've missed in her?


Guys I'm still alive ♥

I'm so so so so sorry for the delay, I've never stayed this long to update.

Forgive me ♥

I really love you all! I just got to the hardest part in the book and imagining what can happen to take myself where I want is SO hard. 


But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all soon!

If you didn't give up on this book yet I wanna thank you so much! You're the ones who're pushing me to keep writing! I love you so so much♥


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