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Your POV
Edgy Sans finally convinced North to take him back, so now it's just the 2 of us.
"... You said you wanted answers," she stated breaking the silence between us. "So give me your questions."
"Why are you here? Why is Rose in my head half the time? How many times have you done this? What do you want?" the questions just poured out.
"I'm not here for a reason per say... Rose is assigned to you to keep you safe. I'm pretty sure around 7, I forget. And I don't want anything..." she didn't have the usual creepy smirk on her face. It was quiet for a few minutes while I soaked in the information. Rolling the answers around in my mind.
"What are you?" I blurted out suddenly.
"In my universe I'm a Cipher... Well half anyway. Anything else?" I shook my head no. "Don't.... Tell Chara you met with me... Please. I'd rather have you not get in trouble because of me..." she have me a small smile. "Well, I best get going." And she just disappeared.

North POV
That went better than the last few times... Maybe for once me and Y/n can get along.. I should have at least checked in with the others before leaving... I feel bad now.
I'm so sorry it's SHORT!!!!!!

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