Chapter 6 part2

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Unable to contain themselves anymore, Xander Richman holds Alex's head in his hands and pulls him into a fiery and passionate kiss. His hands work their way around his body, leaning down the young Alpha place soft kisses up and down Alex's neck who lets out little whimpers of anticipation. Xander works his way back to tender, smooth lips. As they kiss the omega rolls him over and lies on top of his strong, muscular body they pull apart and open their eyes. They stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes electric tingles, the desire to play "you're mine, all mine!!"Alpha growled going in for another passionate kiss to claim his territory his eyes narrowed as he looked at the men staring at his omega. Power radiated through out the room challenging anyone to disobey his warning.

The boy turned around, only to see three men at the door, Mike Black, Alessandro Richman, and David Black.



I quickly avert my eye from the door I felt intimated with the number of Alpha in one room their aura so power it's suffocating. I stayed still listening as they talked in hushed tone.

"Have you heard?had  an"Dad said

"heard what?"Alessandro asked confused

"about the council, anything of their arrival"Mike replied

"No nothing I wouldn't be surprised if they're already here"  Xander responded back

"Did you think about your options" Dad asked in a blank tone


"And?" I asked anxious to know his thoughts

"and nothing, I'm not going to cooperate with a bunch of old geezers" snuggled closer towards me I held the teddy bear away to create more space for his head

"bu-bb-but what about your life are you so eager to leave me all alone ,who will I have to spend my life with, do you think the moon goddess will bless me with someone else?" I whispered pouting as I stared at him through my eye lashes.

He lifts himself off the bed glaring at what I just said his eyes flashing into his golden one indicating that his Wolfe was on the surface and anger coming off in powerful waves "you're mine! Do you hear me MINE!!" blushing I hide my face into the huge teddy bear "but the council what should we do to prepare?" I whisper my voice coming out softer than usual

"we do nothing!" I roll my eyes at his stupidity "nothing! are you shitting me right now, you want me to watch them kill you? are you insane!" I cried out gripping the bear tighter for comfort.

" calm down princess that's not what I met," he smirked clearly he was amused by my sudden out burst. I gave him the 'if that's not what it is then tell me "face.

" Come on babe, have some trust in me"our eyes connected and he gave me a quick wink clucking loudly when I blushed.

" If you die today I'll bring you back then kill you my self,secousse!" I mumbled under my breath I heard snickering coming from the door I bet it was Mike that stupid idiot had the gut to show his face.

"Aren't you sweet"

"shut up s-stupid" I bit my lip stop myself from saying anything else

"Ah..whats wrong princess embarrassed just from a little bit of teasing, you're so fucking cute!" this hot breath fanning my face as he nibbles on my ear.

" If don't stop chewing on my ears I'll  show you something to be embarrassed about big boy" two can play that game.His eyes widden*glup*i watch has his Adam's apple bob upwards then back to where it was.Somehow teasing him back gave me some confident I felt satisfied to see had an effect on him.

"Hmmm..and what would that be?"

"Let's go somewhere more private!" I watch his eyes dilate hungerly and lust swirling through them I can smell his arouse releasing around the room.

"Alex!" my Dad warning through the link in a stern voice he had his arms crossed over his chest standing beside an amused Alessandro who leaned agianst the door their eyes fixated on us ready to jump in if thing get out of control.

"I never knew you were such a flirt, Gonzalo," Alessandro uttered.

" Shut up old man!" he mumbles climbs over me his scent attacking me in strong waves.Pinning my arms above my head I struggle to break thing up my hip hits the teddy bear off the bed *thud* it falls off face first beside one of the gaurds left leg he didn't even flinch or make any movement to retrieve it. looking up at Xander I give him a disappointed look, he smirks back winking as I flush red with embarrassment.

lowering his head he kisses down my neck my resistance crumbles his warm lips leaving my skin burning with heat , my hand  fall down his back as my head swims a hand runs through my hair as the kisses become harder and urgent I feel his other hands shyly slide around my waist pulling me close his pine scented body. He leans in against me I can feel his muscles flex underneath the material his huge toned frame completely covering my smaller one.

"Ahhhhhh!..X-ander!" I watch as he hungrily sucked on my covered nipple attacking it with his tongue I bit my lip suppressing a moan."st-stop this rightno...Ahhhh..bastard!" how can a someone be so shameless doing all this in front of his Father, how big of an ego dose this idiot have.

His eye met mine as he continued to tease my bud poking out at my now drenched shirt.With a mischieve glint, his tongue flicker out lashing at my already abused nipple. "! not there!"I moan feeling the heat rush to my southern region. someone cleared their throats I looked up to see Alessandro smiling with a knowingly look Xander ignored him and continued to abuse my poor nipples he started unbuttoning my shirt and let out a growl a little under his breath I throw my head back and let out a breath of air.

*ba-thump* I could feel my heart beat... every single pound in my chest.

"Xander we made a deal!" My dad boomed stepping closer towards the bed his face looked angered he wasn't pleased with what Xander was doing. " we agreed to let you go if you take thing slow and promise to be patient so far you have proven that you can't keep your part of the deal"

"Hmm.?." he mummed

"I advise you to stop right now, or I swear you won't see Alex anymore" I snuggled closer to my mate a frown making itself across my face not liking the idea of being separated.His eyes narrowed dangerously turning cold" is that a threat Alpha Black !!" he asks the question smoothly, the baritone of his voice reverberating through my bones as he slides a strong arm over my shoulders I starred as fear flash through my father's eyes.

"Don't test me right now Mr.Black" he spat darkly

"Gonzalo show some respect!" Alessandro growled not pleased with his son's behavior.

"I apologize Alpha Black, it's getting harder to control myself.Quinn has been on the surface more often and I'm slowly slipping through the cracks" he clenched his hands looking down his breathing coming out in quick pants

"i understand Gonzalo" I sat up pulling my back against the head board as my dad cautiously walks forward a give Xander a pat on the back. " Alex can stay with you for now " he paused "never mind Martha will surly have my've got ten minutes of alone time" he looked like he was having an argument with himself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry for the mistakes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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