Chapter 5:

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" mother make it s-s stop, it huuurts!" I shrieked

" I know baby ....." her eyes were filled with panic and worry she turned around and ran off the way she came from just as fast she was back holding my supplement and cup of water she handed me the cup and popped out the medication with trembling hands my small fingers wrapped around the pill drawing it up I quickly dropped the pill into my waiting mouth.


Alex P.O.V

 I raised the glass to sip, feeling the bitter taste on my tongue and throat-as the pill made its way down, lowering the glass to the floor, letting it fall heavily, but not so much that it spilled. Resting my head in my left hand, squirting waiting for the effect to start working but the medication seems to have no effect in calming the raging fire within. Another wave hit me this time with intense force my body shook from the heat spreading.

I can feel my bones melting to the floor, I went limp my body no longer able to support itself the pain growing tenfold, I clutched the tent between my legs with both my hands trying to hide it from my mother."S-som..something the wrong M..Mother !" tears falling from my eyes as my body begins to twitch around. I started rubbing my self on the cool floor loving the contact I felt so ashamed displaying this in front of my mother.

"what do you mean? it's not working?" She panicked her arms in the air, she stared at me looking for any sign that I was joking."" she looked around her brows crushed together, staring passed the hall.

"Mate!"Zan yelped happily trying to catch his attention and indeed there he was running toward me his eyes glowing a deep gold he looked about ready to kill someone. Our eyes meet as he advances towards me my mom moved between us . I can feel the loose shirt start to cling to my back in places and there is a slight sting to my eyes I felt so flustered with everything. Alpha Richmen grow closer until he was towering over my mother he took a big sniff of the air groaning lowly

"Alex smell so good darling, I-" he said in a low like a voice I shiver in pleasure from just hearing him say my name.The thumping of my heart against my chest my fingers are curled into a fist, nails digging into my palm. I can't hear my rapid breathing but can feel the oxygen flooding in and out of my lungs. Hesitantly, my eyes locked to those of Xander right now they were the brightest of gold with little flicker of yellow, I was captivate by the lust and pure adoration he held in his eyes I wanted more than anything to push my mother out of our way, to give myself fully to my mate and that frightened me for how much I was willing to give away for this man from just knowing him for a short period of time.

"Gonzalo, Sa Chaleur vient de commencer et je veux que tu te tais!(Gonzalo, his heat has just started and I want you to stay away!)" she yelled placing her hands against his chest I watch as she struggles to keep him away.

"Vous savez très bien Linda qu'avec la pleine lune qui vient, il n'y a rien que vous puissiez faire, arrête de rendre cela si difficile!!(you know very well Martha that with the full moon coming up there is nothing you can do, stop making this so difficult!!) He snapped  this mountain of a man was starting to get irritated  you can see  his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. his focus was solely on my raging mother as if I had become invisible to him. There was a tenseness in the air so thick you could chop it with a butter knife.

The smell so intoxicating sweet smell of Coco-chocolate, fresh smell of earth right after a storm so masculine. Everything started to blaze by the closeness of my mate I paused trying to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside me but I couldn't. A lone tear traced down my cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened.

So many tears burst"Mère, laissez-le, je ne peux plus supporter cette douleur! Je vais me fondre dans une flaque d'eau!(Mother please let him, I can't take any more of this pain! am going to melt into a puddle!)" I interrupted her before she could say anything else her head quickly snapped towards me her face displaying displeasure with my request.

"Non!! Tu n'as pas le droit de me commander un jeune homme, ton frère est en route maintenant!!(No!! you're in no position to order me, young man, your brothers are on their way here right now!)"she said in a stern voice, Xander took a side step to the left trying to sidestep my mother, who quickly followed suit blocking his path. a low thunderous growl echoed through the hall.

" MOVE!!"I watched as the whites in his eyes turned pure black Xander was at the edge of snapping his veins popped out, he stood stiff muscle bulged, hands clutched together as he tried to control his wolf.

" Mom!! , I came as fast as I could!" Mike came running towards us with a confused look on his face "Hey lil bro why are you on the ground?" he passed Xander giving him a pat on the back 100% unaware of what is happening, Mike is such an idiot*ugh* Pain sears through my abdomen better than a branding iron, my mind conceding to the torment, unable to bring a thought to completion. A bullet would be a mercy right now,

"did you fall, God Alex you're so clumsy!" he smirked touching the slimy slick on the floor,  the sight before me made me sick from the ends of my hair to the nails on my toes. His nose wrinkled and he drew his head backward " this is not water?!"

Mike pulled up his wet hand towards his nose sniffing it, eys-umm Ewww gross his like my brother. I watch as his eyes darken*groan*" Alex smell so good lil intoxicating"Mike purred reaching out to my trembling body.Xander placed a firm hand on Mike's shoulder I can see his strong gripe digging into the flesh.

"I suggest that you take your filthy hands off MY MATE! Mr.Black! or I won't hesitate to do it my self!"Quinn growled snarling at my brother

the burning pain licked up my back like scorching fire. The only thoughts I  had was to roll up into a ball of self-loathing and pain, how long have I stayed on the ground? where has my mother gone to? how long till it all comes to an end? wishing the world to end rather than this sea of endless currents some strong some weak but the waves of heat always crashed over me.

"Mate?well it doesn't look like it .....he's got no mark," Mike announced his left hand sliding up my shoulder and quickly yanking at the collar of the drain white T- shirt I had on exposing my shoulder.His fingers ran gently across the place where my shoulder met my neck.

" See no marking don-"before Mike could finish his sentence Xander smashed his fist across his face. I let out a high pitch scream as Xander brutally attack Mike.

"ENOUGH! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!" a cold voice boomed behind me."XANDER GONZALO RICHMAN! I SAID ENOUGH!!"So dark with authority.


I hope you guys like this chapter sorry for making it boring.

I'll try my best to update soon.

Alpha RichmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora