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When I thought that it could not get any worse, she showed up. I had not seen her. I could not have, I was surrounded by morhs, but I felt her ever since she came close to the battle field. Her perfume is like none other. Because of the connection that we have, I can feel her when she approaches me. How did she think that I could focus when I knew she was there, being in danger, close to the morhs. This stubborn girl was never going to learn her lesson. I am so angry with her. We need to have a serious discussion. Although I do not want to admit it, I cannot get this troublemaking immature girl out of my head, no matter if it is because of the prophecy or not.

I don't know what happened, but the morhs stopped fighting. I took advantage of their moment of weakness and, just as I was getting ready to make my next spell, I heard her scream. I panicked. Since the start of the fight, this was the first time I was panicking and feeling nonplussed. I always had everything under control. I rushed through the morhs who were no longer reacting and went to her.

I looked at her head to toe. She seemed to be alright. I respired realizing then that I had been holding my breath. She was alright. For now...

'What were you thinking coming here', I yelled at her.

She looked at me and fixated her eyes on my arms. I had some scratches from the morhs; they hurt a bit but there were only scratches and a bit of blood. I have been through worse.

'Eric, I hope that...'

That what?

'I am alright', I answered in a cold voice.

Then I saw it coming her way. I instinctively put myself in front of her to stop the morh and threw her to the side. She will probably get a nasty bruise. Not more. Bruises don't last very long. The morh was more powerful than I was expecting; before I could make any spell he threw me to the ground. I thought it was going to bite me but someone had acted just in time and sent a forbidden spell at it. It was Baldric. I never thought that I was going to say this but I had to thank my evil brother. Deep cuts began to appear one at a time on the creature's body and a black liquid started to run from it. It howled and I took advantage of the fact that it was in pain. I made a spell; I used the force of the wind to throw it far away from me. After that, I got up.

I was now in a circle together with the others, and we were surrounded by morhs. I continued to make one spell after the other against the morhs that were standing in Kate's direction. We weren't going to last long. They were too many. On our side, it was only Baldric, Mystic and myself who could lead an actual fight against them. Kate had too much energy in her but she did not know how to use it.

It was difficult for me to pay attention to the morhs and concentrate on the spells while also keeping an eye on her. I would have done anything to protect Kate. Although I am angry and I do not understand why she has been acting like that, I would go crazy if I lost her.

I was concentrating my attack spells on the morhs that were approaching Kate. Then I saw a shining arrow that left a trail of light behind it. It went straight into the morh's chest making it fall to the ground. I turned and saw Kate with the bow in her hand.

This was something I was not expecting. A part of me was proud of her, but the other one was furious because she had hidden from me the fact that she had such a special talent like archery. This girl was full of surprises and it seemed that they were not all bad.

'Wait, don't leave', I heard her saying.

Who was she talking to? I could not pay too much attention to her but she looked frightened.

I realized that something had changed in Baldric's soul when a morh captured Christine. The way he had acted so protective proved that it was possible for Baldric to care for someone else and not just for himself. But why Christine; and what was this connection between them?

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant