Chapter 12: Getting settled in

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Soon after that, we reached the dormitory. The entry was inscribed with the picture of a white dove with its wings wide open that looked as though it was ready to fly. Under it, it said: "House of the Sun".

When we entered the building, my eyes were drawn to the show of lights on the ceiling and the works of art on the lively coloured walls. This was surreal but it looked much too real. Just by looking at the image of the sea made me hear the waves splashing onto the shore.

I was walking on the big hallway and, as I moved my sight from one image to the other, I was accompanied by the chirp of birds or by the gentle flow of a creek, or invaded by the smell of flowers with their chalice full of golden particles, or by the smell of fresh grass rubbed between the fingers.

'This is absolutely superb' Maggie said. 'I can hardly wait to see my room.'

'I know. I could stay here for hours in a row and enjoy the peacefulness that this place has to offer.'

'Let's go, girls!' Eric interfered. 'You have all the time in the world. You will get bored with this place eventually.'

We got to a large room – probably the girls' living room. Maybe I had not mentioned this before, but we did not stay in the same building with the boys. Our main purpose here was to discover more about magic. We had to work hard to become exemplary wizards and not fool around.

The living room was welcoming and modern. The walls were painted in a light orange – and they were covered in art just like the hallway walls were. There was not much furniture - it was just the way it should be; just one big sofa in the middle, a small glass table in front of it, and a plasma TV. Aaa...and let's not forget about the many bean bags that were spread all over the room.

From the living room you went straight into the kitchen. Great! I started to like this place more and more.

The building had five floors and an attic. We went up on a round narrow staircase and stopped on the first floor. The room that Maggie and I were sharing was the third on the right side. Number 34 – as it also said on the key. Next to the door there was a plaque that read: Katelyn Lambert, Camille Dupont and Maggie Ebenzer.

'I didn't know we would be sharing the room with someone else also', Maggie said.

'Neither did I', Eric said and he seemed unhappy with this.

'What happened?'

'I will ask that they move you two.'

'But why?' I asked revolted.

'What part of "no one must know about you" did you not understand?' You still cannot control your powers and there are many things about you that we do not know and that we will find out along the way. Do you still have nightmares?'

'Well...' I avoided giving an answer.

The truth was that I'd had nightmares every night ever since I had left the island. But what did this have to do with anything?

'Yes or no?'

'No', I lied.

'In any case, we have to be careful. Your magic goes crazy when you are emotionally overwhelmed. We cannot allow that to happen to you when you are with other people, even if that person is your roommate.'

'I agree with Eric', Maggie said.

'I don't! Please, Eric. I promise you that if anything bizarre happens, even the smallest thing, I will let you know.'

'I am sure of that.'

'Don't worry, Eric. I will be watching her. I will let you know.'

She was serious about that. She didn't just say it to get rid of Eric.

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant